Thinking about tossing away that old gear? Not so fast! Especially for you crafters out there, desynthesis is a quick and easy way to recover some of those lost materials, or even get your hands on rarer items, such as demimaterias!

Desynthesis is a skill taught to up-and-coming crafters around level 30, and you can get started by speaking to Syngoht over at Ul’dah’s Sapphire Avenue Exchange (x14,y10). Tell him I said hi!

All set? Here’s a quick tip for gathering Fieldcraft Demimateria I’s, which are used in a variety of beginning Master crafts.

The first step is finding something to desynthesize. Brass Rings of Crafting are a cheap and affordable item, and easy to craft too! As a goldsmith, you’ll only need two ingredients - a brass ingot and a ragstone whetsone (which use Copper Ore and Zinc Ore, and Ragstone, respectively). If you’re feeling extra lazy, you can also just pick some up from the jeweler Sorcha in Limsa (8.5x,11.5y)!

Just craft (or buy!) yourself a bunch of these to desynthesize, and with a little luck, you’ll have those Demimateria I’s in no time!

Your desynthesis skill increases independently of your main crafting skill, by the way, and each discipline also has its own skill level. So simply by using it, your chance of acquiring rare items also increases!

So get out there and desynth all the things! Oh, but nothing important!