Last Thursday, an adventurer reached out to The Babbler to share their story of something remarkable on Primal: An unexpected first-pull clear of The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate), with a group made entirely on Party Finder!

[Note: This article contains some spoilers for the raid The Weapon’s Refrain!]

“I posted an UWU party finder on Primal on a whim,” Tomo Kohandi of Exodus told Babbler reporter Lopp Yasaburo last week. Tomo set the Party Finder to [Duty Complete] to raise the likelihood of a faster clear, but then the first unexpected thing of the night happened.

“A Samurai sent me a tell asking if they could join whilst they hadn’t cleared yet,” Tomo explained, “Everyone in the party was in agreement to allow them to.” While waiting for the rest of the PF to fill up, the party discussed the current state of Primal, and how rare Ultimate clears are there. Most everyone else, they agreed, travel to Aether for their raiding fix. After an hour, though, the party filled and the adventurers set off on their raid.


“We had a quick conversation on the strats and who was doing what, and just jumped into it.” They reached Ifrit and then quickly finished off Garuda. “It was clear we were performing our best…and so we made it to Titan without any deaths or any mistakes.”

Finally, they reached Ultima, which Tomo described as “everyone’s bane in this fight.”

“The wrong mistake at the wrong time can end that run quickly, but we were locked in and focused.”

But then, tragedy struck.

“Unfortunately we were unable to go deathless, as the Samurai who was clearing for the first time…died multiple times.”

That wasn’t the only setback, as Tomo also ran into trouble. “I, the Main Tank, made an almost crucial error, and got flung to the death wall by Searing Wind on Annihilation. That didn’t stop us…because we got up and performed suppression as best as we could.”

The Samurai required emergency healing a couple more times, and given the errors piling up, Tomo thought the end was near. But surprisingly, that wasn’t the case. “When I thought it was over, Ultima’s health was at less than fifteen percent! We just needed one last push before we hit enrage.”

Ultimate Reaching Enrage

That’s when one of the melee fighters used Limit Break 3, cutting Ultima’s health to only 0.4%. But the fight wasn’t over quite yet. “Three party members were already dead to enrage, but we still had hope and threw everything we had.”

And in the end, the adventurers succeeded!

“Ultima was finally dead,” said Tomo, “We were so ecstatic! A Primal PF did what was even rare to do on Aether, we cleared UWU in one pull!” The fight took 17 minutes out of the lockout, according to Tomo. The Samurai who went along for the ride also celebrated their victory. “As we cleared, we saw the notification for the Samuari that they got the achievement for finally clearing the fight, and we were so happy for them.”

A samurai lays unconscious while the party celebrates victory

The party stuck around for a half hour after, recounting their story and taking pictures. “We did it,” said Tomo, “We did it for the Primal data center!”

The most recent Primal clear before this was reportedly in August for an Ultimate, and the most recent UWU Primal clear was five months ago. “Ours was, however, done with random players and in one pull!” Tomo said. The story of these adventurers and their unlikely success shows how not only can anything happen on Party Finder, but that the current DC travel situation is only what we make of it! Happy adventuring, Eorzea!

Congrats to Tomo and their party! The Babbler would love to feature other tales of adventurers out on their journeys in Eorzea, so if you have your own story to tell, feel free to reach out!