What makes a community? The word itself can convey an idea, but it’s not exactly easy to define it succinctly as a community takes on many forms.

On a small scale, a group of people getting together on weekends to take on small quests can fit the bill, while at a macro level, all of us can be considered one, regardless of the many differences we have. The interpretations of what the term can be are so fluid that it could come down to anything. As such, it can be a beautiful thing to be part of one, since who knows what might come from it.

I often spend my days quietly looking around, seeing what the world has to offer. A lot of the time it can be repetitive. Dull, even. We all have our routines, after all, so after a while, it can be easy to find yourself awash in the same patterns.

This is not always the case, though.

This past week, I was surprised to find someone from the larger community was promoting themself. While not wholly unusual in itself - artists and their contemporaries often delight us by showing off their works - it was not the act but the content that caught my eye.

It was a song, a remix made by a fellow citizen here, one that takes a powerful theme from our world and gives it new life with vibrant club beats. The world can feel lonely sometimes when you’re quiet. No matter how on the wall you may feel, though, it can be exciting to know that we exist in a place that is teeming with life and creativity.

In the spirit of that, I present this week’s Song of the Week, “Club Ishgard” by our very own ViiRuS (Arzak Firewill), featuring Koruru.


In a first for Song of the Week, we were also granted the privilege of an interview with the artist. What makes him tick? What inspires him? Let’s find out!

Interview With ViiRuS


I would like to start off with your history with music. Did you grow up playing anything? Is this a new hobby you’ve just started to pick up? Tell us about it and how you got into remixing!


It’s more of a hobby for me. I’ve always been a big fan of the music for the game and eventually what got me was listening to the official Pulse remixes. So then I scoured YouTube looking at other people’s remixes, went to the clubs and twitch streams to kinda gauge other artists, and eventually just sat down and really thought about what song hits the hardest.

HW was just a really interesting time for me considering I was a 1.0 person and the setting really hits home. Wanted to bring that kind of proudness, and resilience, you would find in the Foundation theme and really combine it with other aspects of Ishgard and bring it more to an uplifting/modern set yet…would fit in if it was like an orchestrion roll or something where there’s highs to it and an ending to it that harkens back to times where we can reflect.


Are you self-taught? Is that your first try at something like that?


Self-taught! Not my first rodeo. Actually, it is with an FF song, yes, haha.


What other things have you touched on before?


I honestly just mix a lot of music just for fun but never post them because it’s not at the quality I really want. But mostly game BGMs.


I’m sure there are a lot of challenges with that sort of thing, but you should be proud of your work, anyway! Each attempt is getting you a step closer!

So you said you’ve been around since 1.0! What keeps you coming back for more over the years?


I think… with 1.0 being what it was… and I remember when they announced ARR… it was like a moment of “oh, they are really trying” and I guess part of me really wanted the game to succeed. So when ARR came, it was like a sigh of relief and I’m glad most people gave it a chance too. As for the other expansions, I think the idea to innovate and introduce new settings really pulled me back. [Masayoshi] Soken was another reason, music’s too good!


Aside from remixing, do you have any other hobbies in your life?


I dabble in YouTube content creation and voice acting as well.


What kinds of projects have you worked on?


Mainly small gigs for first-person shooter games! Or sometimes people just request me to read to them or accompany them to sleep, I don’t judge, haha.


Judging by your other uploads, you have the voice for it! Have you thought about what you want to do going forward? Will you work on more remixes in the future? Any consideration for getting into venue DJing?


I think DJing is not for me, I prefer my own time to create. Likely yes I’ll mix something else as well. Kinda drafting ideas!


I won’t pry too much into whatever you are working on, but I have the notification bell set for your channel! What kind of stuff do you like to do in the game? Are you a raider? RPer? Socialite? something in-between?


I think something in between.


That’s fair! There is a lot to do! Where can people find you and keep up to date with what you’re doing?


You can find me in-game as Arzak Firewill on Coeurl, feel free to come chat or whatever, or alternatively on discord! Check out the youtube channel as well and I’d love to see everyone there!

A huge thank you to ViiRuS for the interview, we really appreciate that he was willing to take the time to give us an insight into his life! It is amazing that we can all share this space. Everyone here has so much to offer. From music remixes to drawing to who knows what else? This is a beautiful community and I encourage you all to support those who create!

Please do give ViiRuS’ remix a listen and if you like what he does, consider subscribing to see what he will do next!