For the past week, adventurers have been off running around on a doomed world.

That world will come to an end later tonight, but in just one short week, we’ve had the opportunity to participate in a strange amalgamation of all realms, all worlds and their cultures smooshed together into one big weird blob of a community.

And it’s been pretty fun!

Kugane Tower

Yes, I climbed Kugane Tower as my one thing to do. I don’t know why, either!

Below are just a handful of other photos I was able take during my very short time in the blurry dreamworld of the cloud.

What does any of this mean for the future of Eorzea?

Time will tell, I guess!

Partying At Limsa Lominsa, adventurers dancing

I found it interesting that people were hanging out in that spot on Emerald Avenue! On Jenova, usually everyone gathers right outside the entrance to the aetheryte…

Ul’dah’s Emrald Avenue

Up to the very end, adventurers were handing out minions and even housing items for free to those looking to have some last minute fun. Housing was active, too, believe it or not. People made mazes, photo studios, temporary cafes. A message book for wishes!

Cloudtest PFs showing various events

I spent at least a small bit of my time there selling glamour prisms for cheap, but they were always bought up instantly. Most were selling for 400k a piece, but in big stacks! What!

Glamourcity market board retainer listings

An event just before the weekend had almost everyone attempting to gather at Costa del Sol. But would you believe it - the whole area was so packed that adventurers in Lower La Noscea crowded the two entrances, unable to get through! But they didn’t end the night without at least some fireworks. Things got intense!

Cloudtest Finale with a giant blue bubble at Limsa Lominsa

It was a memorable time, and I’m sure whatever everyone has planned for the end of the world will be even more intense! Goodbye, cloud world!