Heyo!! Lopp here and I have a big surprise for you all! If you read the title and clicked in, you probably can already guess, but this is what I have been gone for the past week!

After a special invite (and totally not stowing away on a restricted ship ahead of schedule - I WAS INVITED, OKAY?) I got to go see some new sights ahead of schedule! But it would be cruel to hoard them for myself, so we are going to share everything with you all! Enough preamble, though, let’s look into the new lands of Tural, AKA the New World!


Deep in the jungles rests Tuliyollal, a true gem of a city featuring a slew of delights and comforts for those arriving. But to be honest, I am not too excited about that, I want to explore a little! I convinced my guide to take me out as soon as I got in and he raced me all over!

Lopp and a blue hedgehog look down over a jungle

The jungle is massive, spanning malms and teaming with life of all sorts! Birds, snakes, frogs, cats, and even archaeologists roam freely! Fortunately, we did not run anything too dangerous, but I am told some powerful beasts lurk in the foliage!

Gotta Go Fast - Lopp chases the blue hedgehog

My guide was so quick! It took all of my sprinting and pelotoning just to maintain a pace with him! Of all the things alive that I have seen in my years, he had to be one of, if not the fastest! He said it helps with fighting for freedom against badnicks. Could there be evil factions out here? Who can say!

The two approach a mystic ruin

As we approached a temple, he finally decided to walk a bit, a decision I greatly appreciated. Just looking at the structure made me tired. All those stairs? After a mad dash? No thanks!

Lopp waves from in front of the ruins

Still, not going up did not stop us from taking a photo op! Cheese! Or, as they say here, Chaos! I can’t help but wonder about the people depicted in the carvings on the side! Who were they? Are any still around? My guide said yes, but that he is a little dim and not nice.

My guide also told me that in the ruins, explorers should prepare themselves for quite the adventuring treat as it contains several chambers, each connected by long corridors! How thrilling!

A Jungle Hut

After the ruins, we headed back to the rental hut for a much-needed tea break and sleep. The constellations look so different here! Or maybe I just never pay attention to them at home. Either way, it is a breathtaking sight!

A Waterfall

The next day, we took a trip to the falls and got another picture together! I wanted to take a dip, but was advised against it as the water can be dangerous. After a more careful inspection and seeing a blob moving about in it, I have to agree that diving in is not the choice for me!

A Burger Shop

It was getting a little late in the day, so we headed back into town to grab something to eat. My guide insisted on this shop, saying they have the best chili dogs, but when we got there they only had burgers! He was disappointed, but the man at the counter said “It’s fresh! Try it.” They were okay. Nothing to write home about.

While in town, we also spotted the lab where scientists are working hard to create “dual-dyes,” said to be able to dye a clothing item with more than one color! Pretty amazing! Unfortunately, it is a secure location so I could not take any pictures. Or even try any. Or even get past the gate guard. What a bummer!

On the boat back, I got to read all about the new combat school, teaching people how to be Vipers! Using all the powers of a ninja and a dragoon and then taking away some of those powers, it seems they are ready for a flood of applications! Are you going to be one of them?

Like many of you, I am looking forward to the official opening of transportation to and from the New World! What secrets will await us there? What new troubles? Foods? Furnishings?! The wait is almost over!

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