While thousands lament their lack of housing, those who do own property might have something else to worry about. Special investigative reporter and paranormal expert Lopp Yasaburo brings us the latest info on the mischevous Floor Reapers.

scitter scitter, scratch scratch

Late at night, wrapped in covers and dreams, these sounds can jolt even the most stalwart sleeper back into the waking world. Rogue - yet justified - thoughts can creep across one’s mindscape in these moments of panic. What could it be? Robbers? Rats? Termites? Such things are common.

But the aforementioned are not the only culprits that could be rummaging beneath the floorboards.

Floor Reapers are a phenomenon that have become increasingly apparent in this housing market boom. Many new landlords find themselves at wit’s end when confronted with these mysterious beings, who seem to nest themselves beneath the surface, and are painfully stubborn to remove, much like a certain chocolate stain from a particular writer’s favorite blouse.

But enough about clumsy article authors! What’s more important is knowing about these Floor Reapers! Knowledge and understanding can help us come to terms with these grim house guests.

What is a Floor Reaper?

Ecosystems are almost as alive as the denizens that dwell within, and their ability to adapt is just as impressive. When a sahagin moves into a new environment, does it not size up its competition and insert itself into its appropriate place in the food chain? Of course! And what is a home but a constructed ecosystem?

As we all know, spirits are inevitable. When someone dies an unfortunate death, there is a possibility that residual aether of the deceased will remain in some form. These residual traces will very likely seek out a shelter to haunt as their own.

As many of these spirits were once living beings from our present society, it is not unreasonable for them to seek out our homes as a place to live. They may move things to suit their liking, or simply because they are mischievous and think that cups should be shattered. Whether you, dear reader, find this to be endearing or enraging, the reality remains: We are surrounded by ghosts. And this is where the Floor Reaper joins our little narrative.

All predators strive to reach maximum efficiency to hunt their prey. Energy conservation is vital, especially when the next meal is not guaranteed. This is no different for Reapers, who subsist on souls.

As more ghosts flood into our homes day and night, they become hotspots for ravenous Reapers, both desperate and delighted to find veritable buffets in the neighborhood. So what makes a Reaper into a Floor Reaper? When a particular house becomes a magnet for souls, a Reaper might decide to take up residence within.

…to be continued next week in Part 2!