How are things going over on Dynamis these days? Not great, Eorzea!

While several months ago, many would have said to just give it time, more and more adventurers are beginning to have regrets about moving over to the new Data Center, while the housing situation - which originally was the major draw - is looking stranger by the day.

Rumor has it that shady individuals from a certain housing community (which I won’t name because some people are BANNED there for no reason) are having trouble dumping their Medium and Large Dynamis estates. Good for them!

The availability of housing on Dynamis has also led to some bizarre outcomes, like one entire ward being owned by a single individual/group.

Menu showing all plots taken by a single FC

Some are wondering when the new wards will finally open on Dynamis, though this likely won’t happen for some time, as plots are still available in other wards. Meanwhile, others are going so far as to suggest merging Dynamis with the other three Data Centers.

On Marilith alone, you’ll find dozens and dozens of small plots available across all city-states and wards. A large number of mediums are also sitting available in The Goblet.

“I have an alt on Dynamis that I created, maxed, and abandoned because it’s so dead even alliance raids take forever to fill.”

Even on Seraph, probably the most populated of the Dynamis worlds, smalls can be found everywhere, and this week even three large estates were available in the Lavender Beds.

“I knew 15 people that moved to Dynamis and just last week the last of them came back to Aether. They left cus they wanted a house and all of them did get houses…but they came back because they described it as the most empty…experience they’ve ever [had]. They also said while they could DC travel to Aether for normal [stuff], they hated the hassle of doing it every day.”

Anecdotally, I know of a handful of venue owners who made the jump from Aether to Dynamis - one even giving up a prime Mist large estate - only to find themselves shortly out of business. Don’t get me wrong, some venues are (or at least appear to be, last I checked) flourishing on Dynamis, but the hassle of needing to travel simply to do roulettes or raids might not be worth it!

Will the Dynamis situation improve in the future? It’s possible, but for now, adventurers who gave up everything in the hopes of gaining an estate are finding themselves surrounded by empty plots and Party Finders. Was it worth it?