As the months pass by and the seasons change to bring us warmer weather, perfect for grilling, lawn care, and fighting over the temperature of one’s home, what better time to celebrate fathers than now?

Yes, it is that special time of year when many will present shoddily cobbled birdhouses, lumpy clay picture frames, funny neck-ties, and hand-drawn cards to the people they affectionately refer to as “papa.” And since it might be weird to write an article about mine here (I do not think any of you know him!), it seemed more appropriate to take a look at some dedicated dads across Hydaelyn. It’s the sixth month, so we’re going to show some love to six. Let’s get to it!

Our first submission is from field reporter P’pol Orubasay, who insisted that we not only talk about him but give him the first spot, claiming her “life is on the line.” Cryptic cries for help aside, she has done some excellent work lately, so we decided to reward her by discussing the late leader of the Garlean Empire, Varis zos Galvus! We even allowed a representative from the Imperial Bureau of Public Affairs to take a look before publishing!

Varis zos Galvus

Taking the throne at the age of 19, young Varis was a different kind of ruler. Aggressively expanding the borders with the might of his forces, Varis brought many new people into his realm, both willing and unwilling (CENSOR’S NOTE: Please change this to something more neutral in tone, at LEAST. Preferably something favorable.). In a display of a sense of right and wrong, he once disbanded an infantry unit after their particularly brutal massacre at the village of Dalguk (CENSOR’S NOTE: This could be worded better…. Please remove “brutal massacre” and possibly replace with “overly aggressive occupation.”). Regrettably, the Emperor was slain by his own son, Zenos yae Galvus, likely disqualifying him for any “Father of the Year” awards, but he certainly was a parent (CENSOR’S NOTE: PLEASE CHANGE THIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!)!

Midas nan Garlond

Next on the agenda, another Imperial, the dad of everyone’s favorite defector and Magitek engineer, Midas nan Garlond! While many know him as the father of Cid Garlond, those in the Empire consider him the “Father of Magitek” as well. A genius inventor in his own right, considering his son defected, he too might have some work in terms of being a better dad. Still, is it not in the nature of sons to reject their fathers and strike out their own paths only to later find themselves becoming their fathers? Let us hope not, in this case!

While official reporting on the subject is limited, Midas is suspected to be the mastermind behind the Bozja incident that brought about the Seventh Umbral Calamity, ending his life in the process. Maybe we should keep an eye on young Cid!

Young Cid

Keeping in line with our apparent theme of long-gone men who served the Empire, we come to Warburton! An alleged Garlean spy who may have had ties to the Ala Mhigan Resistance, this brave dad saved his daughter from a rampaging parade of Goobbues in Ul’dah! While his daughter, Ascillia, could not be found to discuss her father’s legacy, some rumors point to her changing her name to Minfilia.

If she is the same Minfilia associated with the Scions, well, we probably would not have much luck reaching out for comment anyway. But it is incidents like the Goobbue parade of Ul’dah that helped to inspire our ever-vigilant Goobbue watch! Look out!

Edmont de Fortemps

Stepping away from the afterlife and the Empire (coincidence?), we take a trip to frosty Ishgard, home of Edmont de Fortemps! Unlike our other fathers in this list, Edmont is still very much alive, instead having a dead son, the much bereaved Haurchefant Greystone. Despite being a hoity-toity head of family in Ishgard, Edmont is actually more open-minded than some of his contemporaries, tolerating outsiders somewhat more than, some would say, he even tolerated his illegitimate son!

Still, despite the perceptions of being cold to Haurchefant, after his death, Edmont was quite devastated and now spends his time fighting to protect the remainder of his family. Sometimes a little push is all we need to find what truly matters in life! Other times it is a really big and excessively sad push.

Fourchenault Leveilleur

Our next dad is another Elezen, and despite living in sunny Sharlayan, he maintains the same icy demeanor as the high families in Ishgard. Father of notable personalities, war heroes, and High School students Alisaie and Alphinaud, Fourchenault Leveilleur is a man of few words and much wisdom. During the Imperial invasion of Eorzea, he helped organize evacuation efforts for Sharlayans who were on the mainland.

While unconfirmed, many reports suggest that after his children left to fight the Empire he dropped contact with them, leaving any correspondence to his wife and not connecting at all, instead focusing on work. Apparently, he has recently changed his views on isolationism and wants Sharlayan to rejoin the rest of the world! Hopefully, the same can be said for his views on his kids!

Godbert Manderville

Last, but certainly not least, is an icon to many, the man behind The Gold Saucer, philanthropist and friend to all, Godbert Manderville. Father of the so-called “Gentleman of Light,” Godbert is an unusual father figure, showing affection through less conventional means. His professional successes have funded his many philanthropic projects, typically in his own style that exudes his own personal branding.

Still, it is hard to not be a little taken with his exuberant enthusiasm for his technique. His incredible valor and respectable muscles certainly make him a man to look up to, and his deeds and love of giving and heroism certainly back up the idea. While we are not here to pick the best dad, it is, in fact, Godbert Manderville.

Taking a look at all these fathers, it is hard to not feel a sense of gratitude towards those paternal people in our lives. Perhaps it is because they helped to shape us into who we are now, perhaps it is because thank goodness we did not have to grow up in so much disfunction (I hope).

So if you have someone in your life like that, maybe not even biologically, show them some love and care! We are all people and while we might have differences, that does not mean we cannot care about one another. Some just show it in different ways!