Hey Eorzea, have you tried winning the Jumbo Cactpot? Your odds of doing so are pretty low, but it costs nearly nothing to try!

Jumbo Cactpots, drawn every Saturday evening, work by matching each number right to left. Your odds of getting a match on the last number? 1/10. Two numbers? 1/100. Three numbers? 1/1,000.

Your probability of winning it all on a single cactpot ticket every week - that is, matching all four numbers - is 1/10,000. One in ten thousand. Not impossible odds, but pretty slim!

It can be rough heading up to the Cactpot counter every Saturday night and walking away with only the measly consolation prize, but that’s just how the Gold Saucer works. Still, a lot of strange things have happened over the years!

One person managed to win twice in one go (which would obviously happen if you chose the same winning numbers for multiple tickets). Not so long ago, a streamer won by buying a Cactpot ticket with numbers suggested by her chat!

Stranger still was the event of June 2021, when the Jumbo Cactpot numbers on Lamia were 1234, and 20 people picked it right!

An Elezen hopes he has the lucky numbers

That actually happened!

Here on Jenova, the most recent winner managed to take home the jackpot on May 6, 2023. There were actually three winners in April, spaced out pretty evenly throughout the month (April 1, 15, and 29). Each winner gets the big payout of 1,008,025 MGP and (more importantly) a special Mad Bird Ring that I want. I want it!

But that’s okay. The only winning move is to play, because there’s not much you can do to change those 1/10000 odds. And it’s cheap, anyway.

Good luck, Eorzea, and try not to scream too much!