You know, The Babbler isn’t the only paper floating around in Eorzea. There are a few with storied histories stretching all the way back to before the Calamity. Some of their older issues are hard to find, but luckily, thanks to leftover Allagan technology called the Internet, copies of their articles do still exist!

What better time than The Rising to take a look back at some of the stories from years past?

The three papers in question, which are still publishing by the way (in fact you’ve probably run into one or two of their writers over the years!), are Gridania’s The Raven, Ul’dah’s The Mythril Eye, and Limsa Lominsa’s The Harbor Herald. Since I spend a lot of time in Gridania, The Raven - “Gridania’s Leading Tabloid” - is the one I’m most familiar with, but all three are well-respected for their journalistic practices and investigative reporting.

The Raven

Mythril Eye

Harbor Herald

Of note, there was also The Last Word, a column in The Raven written by Kipih Jakkya, documenting the time leading up to Dalamud’s fall. The final entry to that series titled “Goodbye, And Good Luck” was ominous, indeed!

“As a reporter, I have been blessed with the opportunity to meet countless amazing adventurers, and every moment spent afield and writing these missives has been a joy. Though I know not when it will come, I look forward to the day when I return to serve my dear readers once more. Until then, I shall keep my quill safe and sharp.” - Kipih Jakkya, The Raven

While archives of the paper’s more important articles have been available for a while (here!, recently an adventurer took it upon themselves to compile them all onto the wiki! Give the articles a look; you might learn something about Eorzea you didn’t know before!