Well! Hello! I feel so very awkward here because I am not a writer, but Lopp said I have to this week so here I am! Ah, you…. might be wondering what I am writing about! Or maybe who I am? I guess I’ll start with that! That makes sense. Let’s get to know each other!

My name is Jiyoo! I like movies about magic, playing music, and doodling things into leftover sauce after a meal! Actually, you might have seen me before? I play with the band Chappy and the Chobettes! But, outside of that weekly gig, what else do I do? Well! I am an avid enthusiast of hunting the elusive and enigmatic Goobfoot!

But, what is a Goobfoot, you might ask? Why, I would love to explain it to you, but in truth, it is a bit of a mystery! Still, here’s what the experts tend to think!

Goobfoot is classified as a cryptid, some sort of creature that, despite some evidence of its existence be it through the physical or suspiciously succinct anecdote, has yet to be discovered and catalogued in nature! In basic terms, we are pretty sure it’s out there, but we haven’t seen it yet. If people are looking, though, and they can’t find it, how could we possibly justify the ongoing pursuit of finding a Goobfoot? Well! Honestly, a big part of the search is the fun of it, but then there is also that spark of joy that comes from pursuing the unknown! Just imagine how amazing it would be to find such a creature?

A rough sketch of Goobfoot, a Goobbue-like creature with a round body and large feet

(artist’s rendition of Goobfoot)

As you can probably tell by the name, the Goobfoot is thought to be a type of Goobbue. Based on tracks and samples of fur, many suspect that it is very shaggy and, well, has large feet. VERY large. But how do we reach such conclusions with what could be considered the bare bones of proof? Well! The thing about that is the weight distribution. The tracks found are typically too deep and impacted into the ground to be made by any of the known creatures in the areas they are thought to roam.

We know this by comparing them to tracks of other beasts and, well, there just is no way that they could be making these! Unless they got on each other’s backs…. Which… That probably isn’t what’s happening here.

Some naysayers have dismissed Goobfoot by saying it’s probably just a lost Troll, wandering where it shouldn’t, stepping in its own tracks over and over, widening them. Sure, it could maybe be possible, but Trolls aren’t particularly sharp! Surely, if that was the case, someone would have found it, right? Besides that, the pads on a Troll’s foot would be visible if we followed the “multiple step theory” and instead we just find one large set of pads. So it’s probably not a Troll.

But even beyond that, such an idea sounds like a one-off, doesn’t it? And stories of Goobfoot have persisted across various cultures for ages!

Well. Okay, maybe not a LOT of cultures, but in certain areas, the legends of a creature like this are held as culturally significant. For example, Qiqirns believe them to be omens of strife to come. In their mother tongue, the Biggiehairybig is something to be feared. Qiqirns to this day make seasonal tributes to them in hopes of warding off any ill-will for their communities.

A blurry Goobfoot photo, mostly of a tree

(only known photograph of Goobfoot)

Sailors around La Noscea often make claims that on cloudless nights, unusual Goobbues can be spied in the distance, strands glistening in the light of the full moon. Some say this is moss or maybe seaweed, tangled along the rough skin of a normal Goobbue, yet if that were true, how would researchers find Goobfoot tracks and fur where the sightings were said to occur?

Then, we also need to look at practicality! As everyone knows, Goobbues like to soak up nutrients from mud and silt. Such heavy bodies on thin legs help them to sink in more easily, allowing this feeding process to occur. So why does the Goobfoot have such big feet? Well! The leading theory is that, unlike their slow brethren, Goobfoots are quick and nimble, working as lone hunters rather than passive consumers. The large feet help them to keep balance in rapid sprints across different terrains.

Best estimates suggest they can run up a mountain in just a few minutes, compared to an experienced climber that may take as long as 2 hours to scale to the same peak. Incredible, isn’t it?!

And yet, all just theory! That is until we can finally bag one! Today, we will be hot on the trail as we dive into their suspected habitat, looking for clues and maybe even unraveling some of the mystery surrounding them! Let’s go!

Jiyoo walks down a dirt path in La Noscea

The sun is rising over the lush forests of Eastern La Noscea, casting a warm and gentle glow across the land. The air is filled with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. As I prepare for the day’s adventure, I find myself pondering the various legends that have woven themselves into the fabric of Eorzea.

With trusty backpack and a heart brimming with curiosity, I begin my journey by revisiting the very sites where the tracks of the elusive Goobfoot have been discovered. Armed with a keen eye and an unwavering determination, I start to scan the ground for any telltale signs. Could it be that today is the day we finally uncover the truth behind the legend?

As I wander deeper into the heart of the forest, I can’t help but feel a sense of connection with those who came before me, those who shared stories of strange sightings and unexplained phenomena. I come across an indentation. The footprints are deep, distinctive, and seemingly purposeful. My heart quickens with each print I discover, each one bringing me closer to the heart of this captivating mystery!

The clues begin to mount. Strands of fur caught on branches, peculiar markings on trees, and the undeniable sense that I am being watched… These are the breadcrumbs left by the Goobfoot, breadcrumbs I’m determined to follow to their source.

Jiyoo finds a large footprint on the ground

I find myself weaving through dense undergrowth and rocky terrain. The thought that these colossal footprints fly across mountainsides in mere minutes stirs my imagination. What kind of creature could move with such agility and speed across such varied landscapes?

Hours pass, and the sun begins to descend, casting long shadows across the land. Yet, I remain undeterred. With every step, with every new discovery, the thrill of the hunt intensifies. I’m drawn deeper into the heart of the mystery, my heart pounding in rhythm with the rhythm of my steps.

As the last bits of light make their final bursts across rocky ridges, I hear a sound! Rustling in the nearby bushes sends a shiver down my spine, and I instinctively freeze in place, my heart racing in anticipation. The forest around me seems to hold its breath, as if it, too, is attuned to the presence of something extraordinary.

With bated breath, I slowly turn my gaze toward the source of the sound. The leaves quiver, and my imagination begins to run wild. Is it the wind, playing tricks on my ears, or could it be something else? Something that has been eluding us for so long?

The seconds stretch into eternity as I wait, every sense heightened, every nerve on edge. It’s as if time itself has paused, allowing me to fully absorb the moment. And then, just as suddenly as it began, the rustling subsides, leaving behind an almost tangible sense of mystery.

With cautious steps, I approach the area where the bushes had stirred. My heart beats a rhythm that matches the echoes of my footsteps. The air is thick with anticipation, and I find myself holding my breath once more as if exhaling might disturb whatever secrets lie hidden within the underbrush.

Jiyoo discovers evidence in a tree

As I part the foliage, my heart skips a beat. There, nestled among the leaves, is a cluster of hairs, long and shaggy. I carefully gather a few strands of the mysterious fur, placing them gently into a small pouch I’ve brought along. It isn’t much, but maybe with some time, these clues will prove invaluable in learning more about these (hopefully) gentle giants.

A more fruitful expedition would have been nice, but despite missing my chance to see a Goobfoot in person, this has been my most successful foray into the wilds yet! Normally, I keep these sorts of things to myself, and honestly, I usually wind up weary and disappointed, but I am glad that I was able to bring you all along on this little adventure! Someday, I will encounter one of these beasts, I am sure, and when I do you will hear about it, undoubtedly! So until next time, thank you for reading!