A Hunter’s lifestyle is one with minimal downtime. Each second away from the field is one that allows for dark forces to gather. The few days spent attending the funeral of Efraim, while necessary, resulted in many new reports stacking up in the Guildmarm’s inbox. One in particular was alarming above all others. In the peaceful farmlands of Summerford, a resident had claimed to have spotted an oversized Ahriman.


Ideally, our team would have had more time to discuss and deliberate. However, at a time of crisis, there may be no time to think before acting. Rescinding her offer to Meridia and Lyne that they may transfer or leave, she dispatched them immediately.

The three arrived at their destination just as dusk was setting in. Eira, the skilled archer, proposed speaking to the resident who had encountered the creature. The others agreed, acknowledging the importance of gathering information before confronting the Ahriman. Approaching the resident’s home, they knocked, only to be met with fearful reluctance. After explaining their mission, the resident cautiously shared their encounter—an ominous rapping on the window, a giant eye, and a northwest-bound flight.

Thanking the resident, the trio set out on foot, their path illuminated by a soft mage light conjured by Meridia. Yet, the further they ventured, the darker the surroundings became, as if the very night resisted their intrusion. Suddenly, a fluttering of leathery wings announced the Ahriman’s presence.

Facing the Ahriman, a large winged voidsent

In a swift response, Eira unleashed an arrow, striking the creature. Meridia followed suit, casting a fiery spell that singed the Ahriman but invited retaliation. The creature, enraged, targeted Meridia, delivering a powerful blow.

Undeterred, Lyne charged forward, delivering a stunning uppercut. Seizing the opportunity, Eira and Meridia coordinated attacks. As the battle unfolded, Meridia, battered but determined, chose to heal with a potion, restoring her vitality.

The ahriman dives

The Ahriman, now stunned, suffered relentless blows from Lyne, Eira, and Meridia. In a climactic moment, Lyne dealt a decisive series of punches, nearly bringing the creature to its knees. However, as the Ahriman retaliated, it struck Meridia, leaving her wounded.

The ahriman is stunned!

Undaunted, Meridia, feeling the weight of the battle, unleashed a high-level fire spell, weakening the Ahriman significantly. Seizing the moment, Lyne delivered a final barrage of punches, culminating in a devastating strike to the creature’s eye.

Eira aims an arrow

The Ahriman, writhing in agony, attempted a desperate counterattack but was swiftly defeated by Eira’s well-aimed arrow. As the creature fell, the trio emerged victorious, their teamwork and determination prevailing over the menacing threat.

The ahriman lays lifeless

Returning to the gathering hub, cheerful recollections of the fight not so subtly hid the thought all three shared. This would not be their last as a team. Not for a while, anyway. Who knows what the future holds, after all? But for now, they would relish in the moment.

The team stands at the edge of a cliff overlooking Limsa Lominsa