Eorzea is a world plagued by beasts, and as more rise to violently rend chunks of it for themselves so too do brave adventurers to protect the innocent from harm.

The Hunt Society is one such organization, a small but passionate collaboration seeking to aid those who cannot afford the dedicated support of mercenaries or official guards. These tales will follow the exploits of a new team of hunters as they work to make Eorzea a safer place.

Meridia, the timid mage, yearns to make a difference, but is constantly plagued by self-doubt. Her innate magical talents are overshadowed by her fear of combat and the grim specter of death that looms over her.

Efraim, a fearless blade, often dives headfirst into danger, recklessly taking on challenges that outmatch his abilities. His unwavering bravery sometimes borders on foolhardiness, making him a double-edged sword.

Lyne, a formidable pugilist, harbors a hidden vulnerability. Despite her fierce exterior, she wrestles with the belief that she may be a burden to her comrades, weighed down by insecurities she keeps well-guarded.

Eira, the skilled archer, is undoubtedly the most capable of the group, yet her Achilles’ heel is her susceptibility to anxiety-induced mistakes. Under pressure, her once-sharp aim can falter, creating unpredictable hurdles.

The team heads out to Red Rooster Stead

The team first set out from HQ to Red Rooster Stead, a small village on the eastern coast of La Noscea. Efraim and Lyne rushed out ahead, searching for signs of the monster, a Coblyn that had been aggressively encroaching on nearby farms. Meanwhile, Eira found some high ground and scouted the area. Meridia stayed behind to question the townsfolk. She found that the attacks might be related to a new type of fertilizer.

Eira and the others spotted tracks and as Efraim and Lyne went on ahead, Eria chased after them, leaving Meridia behind.

A Roegadyn points to the location of the beast

The trio followed the tracks into a cave and eventually to the Coblyn. The ensuing battle went well at first, despite the team giving away their position and advantage of surprise. Eira fought from afar, as Lyne and Efraim made moves to get in closer, Efraim, sometimes relied too much on the length of his blade rather than getting into a more effective range.

As the two sides delivered blow after blow to each other, Meridia finally caught up, hiding in the shadows. As the group continued to barrage the Coblyn, it grew increasingly enraged and desperate, attacking more quickly and with an unbridled ferocity. Tentacles lashed around in every direction, striking Lyne and Eira repeatedly.

A Crossroads

When she saw the effects of the rampage, despite the danger to herself, Meridia rushed in to help, firing a blast from a distance. It did little but bought the rest of the group sometime as the Coblyn moved its attention towards her. Efraim took the opportunity to try and make the final blow, but his sword bounced off the hardened shell of the Coblyn.

Eira took aim and, for the first time in the battle, did not falter as she let the arrow fly. It pierced through the thick skin of the beast and while it made a last roar, it was the end of it.

The Coblyn collapsed, dead.

The coblyn appears in a cave

The group returned to town to collect payment before heading home. On the journey back, they were excited, outwardly singing each other’s praises. But each of them, too, reflected on their own shortcomings, wondering how to overcome them.

Meridia, of course, knew that she acted as a coward, shying away from confrontation until it was almost too late. Efraim wondered why he could not bring himself to get so close to the monster. Was it fear? Disgust? Now, he only felt disgust in himself.

Lyne, undaunted by danger, knew she did everything she could, but her fists alone… were they truly enough? And Eira, despite the thrill of being the one to finally take it down, could not help but wonder if it was all simply luck.

This first hunt was challenging but simple. Little more than a test of the mettle of these new members. And while they made it through this first encounter unscathed, who is to say the next will not see a smaller group return?

The team waves at the camera while sitting at their dining table at the Hunt Society HQ