It is a solemn day for our Hunters.

Their previous foray into the wilds left them bruised, broken, and in the case of the stalwart Blade, Efraim, unable to return from battle and on his final journey to reunite with the Aether. Collectively, the evils plaguing existence are not in need of rest. Even so, to assume that one does not need time to lie still is foolhardy and can only lead to less in the struggle against the darkness.

In a decision not taken lightly, Guildmarm Ellie placed a hiatus on bounties taken by the Hunt Society. Instead, we take time to recover, to reflect, and to mourn. Efraim, a Wildwood Elezen, is to be lain to rest in his homelands of the Black Shroud. Rooms arranged at the Bobbing Cork, the guild set out to pay respects and send off their friend.

Trying times test us all and even the sturdiest hunters are not immune from such hardships. In Triomancy, drawing Anima in the upright position signifies painful loss and also intense and sudden change. Identifying these outcomes is one thing, but how one reacts determines their character.

For Meridia, Efraim’s demise brought her to the brink. Usually bright and cheerful, her demeanor abruptly shifted to something more sullen. Once quick to join in a conversation, the entire journey to Fallgourd Float she remained silent, distant.

Lyne, meanwhile, ever the fiery spirit, turned her rage not towards something constructive, but rather to anyone around her. Despite her debrief with the Guildmarm, after the loss truly set in, so too did a high level of irritability.

Seemingly set off by any perceived slight, the others decided to leave her to stew.

Meridia and Ryne argue outside a room

Still, artificial isolation only lasts so long. As the team came to terms with their new reality, certain paths could not help but be crossed. In a particularly difficult case of this, Lyne aimed her ire at Meridia. Thinking the mage had gone through her gear, she confronted her one night.

Meridia, who had been lying in bed - not asleep, but not exactly lively - was shocked to find the petite Miqo’te banging on her door.

Stepping into the hallway was her first reaction, but one that would prove to be a bit of a mistake. Lyne did not have the capacity to consider the others staying at the inn and her voice rang through the halls unfettered. Meridia stood fast, not quite weary enough to be belittled in such a manner. She denied any wrongdoing, but Lyne would not relent. After some time, Meridia stepped back inside, slamming the door in the face of the screeching Lyne, determined to vent everything onto her teammate.

Outbursts like this had dotted the entire journey. Meridia did not try to hide at all she felt the brunt of the burden for Efraim’s death and Lyne, subconsciously or otherwise, seemed to agree. The pugilist had capitalized on every opportunity to antagonize the poor Hyur, picking away at anything she could find. The Guildmarm, dictated by her station to remain impartial and impersonal, could not intervene, but perhaps the weight of the situation had decreased her ability to address things properly.

In fact, it seemed that the aftermath of this tragedy would tear the team apart. That is, if not for Eira. Typically stoic, unemotional, and blunt, the others thought of her much how one might think of a cornerstone. We do not consider the feelings of such a thing, for to assume it has any would be foolish.

And yet, much like how such buildings are reliant on the stability afforded them by these rocks, so too did Eira prove to be the sturdy force that would hold things together.

Guildmarm Ellie sits at a table while Eira talks

Showing a much softer side than she had before, the morning following the incident between her cohorts, she spoke with the Guildmarm. People often mistake her as being incapable of emotion.

However, it is not that she cannot emote, but rather the expression and dealing with such things is distressingly uncomfortable for her, normally. Still, at heart, she aspires to be a heroic figure. Perhaps that urge in conjunction with the suffering of her comrades sparked her desire to overcome her reservations.

Whatever the precise catalyst for her decision to act, she requested that she be allowed to address everyone at the ceremony. Ellie pondered this a moment but ultimately acquiesced, recognizing the sincerity of the Roegadyn.

Set to take place the next day, Eira retired to her room and focused on pouring her heart out onto the page. Meridia and Lyne also remained in their rooms for the most part, leaving only to scavenge for meals. Sorrow and shame wafted out from under their doors.

On the day of the ceremony, red puffy faces lined up to pay respects. Efraim was lowered onto a raft carved like a sword, signifying his position in the Hunt Society. After addressing the audience, Guildmarm Ellie stepped aside to allow Eira to speak.

“Today, as we bid farewell to our dear friend Efraim, we can’t help but feel the void left by his absence. His laughter, his unwavering courage, and his presence on the battlefield—all gone. But even in his absence, Efraim’s spirit lingers, urging us to press on.

Efraim wasn’t just a blade; he was the heartbeat of our team. His loss is deeply felt, a reminder that in our pursuit of the unknown, we’re bound to face challenges that test not just our skills but our unity.

As hunters, we’re called to a duty greater than ourselves. Efraim knew this, and he lived it. His legacy isn’t just in the victories we shared but in the lessons he imparted. Today, let’s not succumb to pettiness or discord. Instead, let’s honor Efraim’s memory by standing together, chins held high, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

We’re not just hunters for ourselves; we’re hunters for others. Efraim understood that. In helping others, we find purpose and strength. Let his absence be a reminder that our duty goes beyond the monsters we face—it’s about being a beacon of hope for those who need it.

So, as we say our goodbyes, let’s carry Efraim’s spirit with us. Let’s face the unknown not just with skill but with the understanding that our unity is our greatest strength. As we move forward, let’s be the hunters Efraim would be proud of—steadfast, courageous, and always ready to lend a helping hand.”

Efraim’s body on a floating sword at Mirror Planks

Upon finishing, the raft was cut loose from its mooring and drifted downstream with the setting sun. That evening, Ellie spoke to Lyne and Meridia separately. She acknowledged her faults as an administrator, how she should have stepped in and provided support sooner. And finally, she offered them a choice. One that would allow them to join another unit if they wished. She left them to consider.

In the morning, the team returned to headquarters. It was a quiet ride back. Meridia and Lyne did not even glance at each other the entire way. Still, the tension was lessened. Upon arriving, Lyne took a step in the right direction, apologizing to Meridia. Sour at first, Meridia could not hold on long to the negativity that initially presented itself. Perhaps Eira’s speech had given them both much to consider. Meridia accepted the apology and everyone went inside.

The team sits at the table at Hunt Society HQ, one member down

The past few days had been therapeutic for the team, though contentious. While not a restful getaway, it did allow a chance for each to clear their minds, something they would sorely need. While away, a new hunt order came in, one with dire urgency that would push everyone to their limits. A rogue Ahriman in Summerford and no replacement for their fallen comrade. Will these rookie hunters be up to the task? We shall see.
