The Hunt Society has once again been called upon to take on a challenge no other group would. “It had to be a malm tall!” Our sources at The Babbler informed us of a Mandragora towering above everyone as it traipses about.

The Huntbook showing a picture of a Mandragora

In the arid expanse of Thanalan, Efraim, Lyne, Eira, and Meridia arrive at Camp Drybone, ready to take on the challenge. Amidst skepticism from Captain Knerl of the Immortal Flames, who views them as inexperienced newcomers, the team decides to embark on the perilous mission to confront the colossal Mandragora.

Their resolve remains unshaken by the captain’s dismissal, who says their last rites under his breath as they set out into the wilds.

The team meets at Camp Drybone

The team sets off on a path filled with uncertainty and danger, guided by the keen tracking skills of Eira. They follow the Mandragora’s massive footprints in the vegetation and dirt, their determination driving them forward. Eventually, their perseverance leads them to the oasis, where the monstrous Mandragora stands, larger than any they’ve ever encountered.

The team stands in an open field

The battle commences with the Mandragora unleashing its fury upon them. The earth shakes with its every step, and it retaliates fiercely with swipes of its leafy appendages. The hunters struggle to hold their ground, aware that this is a fight for their lives. Meridia even joins the fight immediately this time, determined not to let the team down, despite her fears.

The team faces the towering Mandragora

Amid the relentless onslaught, tragedy strikes. Efraim, the stalwart blade of the team, falls to the ground, unmoving. The remaining trio knows that retreat is not an option; they must prevail or face the consequences.

Efraim is thrown by the Mandragora as everyone watches helplessly

Summoning their inner strength, they continue the fight. Eira’s arrows find their mark, Lyne’s punches strike with unmatched power, and Meridia’s magic casts powerful spells. Their combined efforts begin to take a toll on the colossal Mandragora. Many attacks miss, but with perseverance and unity, the hunters manage to fell the towering Mandragora. It crashes to the ground, defeated but not before inflicting substantial damage on the team.

Efraim’s lifeless form serves as a stark reminder of the sacrifices made in their quest to confront legendary creatures.

The Mandragora lies in the shallow water slain

Eira, whose usually steady aim faltered during the intense confrontation, can’t help but reflect on the steep price they’ve paid for their hard-fought victory. The sight of Efraim’s prone form in the shallow oasis weighs heavily on her heart, a constant reminder of the perils they’ve willingly embraced as hunters of legendary creatures.

Lyne, too, grapples with the aftermath of their harrowing encounter with the colossal Mandragora. While their training and teamwork undoubtedly played a crucial role in their triumph, the battle has brought to light the consequences of recklessness. The importance of careful planning and strategic foresight now looms large in her mind as they contemplate their future hunts.

Meridia, who initially wrestled with fear and hesitation, now carries the weight of responsibility as the group’s mage. Her quick thinking and well-timed spells, as well as her judicious use of healing potions, proved instrumental in keeping her comrades in the fray. Still, it was not enough to ensure a victory free of tragedy.

As the trio stands together amidst the rare cooling rains of the Drybone desert, a profound sense of solemnity envelops them. The life of a hunter, they realize, is a perilous one that offers moments of exhilaration intertwined with sacrifices. The loss of Efraim, their fallen comrade, will forever haunt them going forward. Will they overcome the pain and continue to work towards a brighter tomorrow? Or will this lead them to disband, one by one?

With heavy hearts, they acknowledge the path they’ve chosen – to confront mythical creatures and provide protection for those who cannot protect themselves. The victory over the towering Mandragora serves as but a single chapter in their unfolding saga.

The remaining hunt party members mourn the loss of their comrade

Yet, for now, they grant themselves a moment of respite, a chance to reflect upon their mistakes, heal their wounds, and meticulously prepare for the next hunt that awaits them within the vast and untamed lands of Eorzea. Guilt gnaws at them for the faults they’ve committed, urging them to become not just better hunters but wiser ones, poised to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

Debrief With Guildmarm Ellie

Guildmarm Ellie stands behind her desk at the Hunt Society HQ

Guildmarm Ellie:

“Eira, you were able to track this Mandragora, leading me to assume you have had encounters with such creatures. Yet, according to the logs, you went in with the rest of the team without warning them of the risks. Mandragoras may appear docile, but they are incredibly dangerous, and one of this size would surely pose a great threat. How do you explain your silence here?”


“Fair enough, Guildmarm. You’re spot on, and I won’t sugarcoat it. I messed up there. My past dealings with Mandragoras were with much smaller ones, and I didn’t give the team the full picture of what we were up against. I underestimated the sheer size and ferocity of that Mandragora, and that’s on me.

“I should’ve been more vocal about the potential danger. But instead, I thought we could handle it with our skills. That was a mistake, and I own it. I’ve learned the hard way about the importance of clear communication within the team. Next time, I won’t hold back, and I’ll make sure we’re all on the same page from the get-go.”

Guildmarm Ellie:

“See that you do.

“Lyne, your actions were not planned out at all in this battle. I see here that you started off by trying to punch it from… This can’t be right… 4 fulms away? Further, when in a dire position in which you could have lost your life, instead of retreating to recover, you relied on Efraim to come to your rescue. What reason can you give to justify your brash approach and how can you ensure you will not pose a fatal liability to yourself or your teammates in the future?”


“Meow, Guildmarm Ellie! You’re purrfectly right.. I did go a bit crazy with my punches back there. Sometimes, the thrill of the hunt gets the best of me, and I tend to leap into action like a, well, cat chasing a wharf rat. But I get it, that’s not how a smart kitty should play, especially in such a dangerous game.

“I promise I won’t be such a wild coeurl next time. I’ll make sure to think before I pounce, and I’ll be more careful about my own safety and my teammates. No more crazy paws, just calculated strikes from meow on!”

Guildmarm Ellie:

“O…kay… Great.

“Meridia, it says here you engaged in battle and almost died. While I applaud your change in character from your first mission, do you think your reckless and abrupt assault could have led to Efraim’s demise?”


“Guildmarm, you’re right, and I can’t deny it. I jumped into that battle without a second thought, and I know it seemed reckless. The truth is, I was terrified of being a liability to the team, and I wanted to show that I could contribute. But I can’t escape the fact that my actions might have put Efraim in danger.

“I was so consumed by my fear of holding everyone back that I didn’t think things through. Now, seeing the outcome, I’m torn up with regret. I should have been more cautious, especially considering what happened. It’s a mistake that’s going to weigh heavily on me, and I’ll make sure to learn from it as we face future challenges.”

Guildmarm Ellie:

“I hope what you are all telling me is true. This is a dangerous job. Efraim knew the risks… He will be mourned. Still, we must move forward. The coming days will be trying for you three, I am sure. Take some time to process, but when a new order comes in, you had all better be prepared to get back out there. Dismissed!”