The Coffer & Coffin. One of the oldest and most popular venues in Central Thanalan. It hosts a number of returning patrons, who you’ll likely find, at any given hour of the day, drinking and chatting quietly within. Outside, nearby Qiqirn tribes constantly war with exasperated Brass Blades.

But does the Coffer & Coffin serve more than just orange juice these days? Does it also serve…mystery?

Word on the Ul’dahn streets was that an event - a meetup of some kind - was being held at the storied bar just south of Black Brush Station, so I had to take a look.

After all, as chief investigative reporter and janitor for The Babbler, it’s my job to cover such things. But what do you do when a lead goes cold?

Walking into the bar, I was met only with quiet stares and hushed whispers. I inquired about the event, but most of the patrons - all the usual regulars from what I could tell - only shook their heads and went back to drinking.

Had I been misinformed? Was there no casual, open meetup like I’d heard about back in the city?

That’s when I saw the proprietor of the Coffer & Coffin, Roger, watching me from behind the counter. His eyes darted away when they met mine.

What exactly was going on here?

I asked him about the event. He didn’t blink, but stared at the entrance as if he expected someone to walk through at any moment. “I had me another business once, same name as this one” he said finally, after what felt like several minutes, “Drove me to the brink of madness…”

His eyes never left the door, but I left the Coffer & Coffin with far more questions than answers.

What was this mystery event, and what did Roger know? What secrets are they hiding there? I will get to the bottom of this.

But for now, this is Brigit A., signing out.