It’s no secret that I’m a novice adventurer. I still have my sprout badge, and spend a lot of time in places more hardened and world-traveled adventurers wouldn’t think twice to look at.

So, you can imagine my surprise one day last week when I saw a large group of experienced travelers all gathered around together by a wall at Moraby Drydocks.

What were they up to?

I made my way through the large crowd, braving countless adventurers and crafters and gatherers alike - and at least one immobile dragon - until I found…nothing. No one.

Everyone was standing there, by that singular wall, glaring excitedly. At nothing.

I asked a few of them. They told me there was a ferryman. They said only keen-eyed and expert adventurers could see him. One even mentioned going to the moon and back. The ferryman, or so they alleged, would whisk them all off one by one to their own personal private islands, where they would live the rest of their days in peace and solitude.

Of course, I couldn’t believe something so outlandish.

For now, I can only look on and ponder. What’s really going on there, at the Moraby Drydocks? Who are these people, standing motionless for days on end, glaring at the corner of Naldiq & Vymelli’s main office. Is it another strange cult? What secrets are they hiding…

This is Brigit A. signing out, but I will get to the bottom of this.

[Editor’s Note: I have no idea what she’s talking about.]