A whole new data center has opened up, Eorzea, and with it come four new worlds! Are you planning to move over to Dynamis? Maybe start fresh and try one more time to get that plot of your dreams? Open a speakeasy? Good luck!

While you’re busy doing that, I thought it’d be fun to take a quick look at the new world names and their origins. Will you choose Seraph, or are you in more of a Halicarnassus sort of mood…

Halicarnassus - Halicarnassus not only played a role in the fate of FFXIV’s Haukke Manor, but also appeared as a Demon of the Rift in Final Fantasy V. She might have even turned you into a frog once or twice in Deltascape V3.0! In reality, the name Halicarnassus comes from an ancient Greek city of the same name, and the Tomb of Mausolus, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world! It’s also where we got the term mausoleum! Yay!

Maduin - In Final Fantasy VI, Maduin was a muscular humanoid esper from the Esper World, and a very important one that I can’t say anything about without spoiling everything! Go play Final Fantasy VI if you haven’t already!

Marilith - A recurring character throughout several Final Fantasy games, Marilith first appeared as one of the Four Fiends in Final Fantasy I. She has the body of a snake and wields swords with something like six arms. Watch out!

Seraph - Finally we have Seraph, a recurring summon who first appeared in Final Fantasy VI as an angelic figure who could restore HP with an ability called Angel Feathers. In FFXIV, she returned again as Scholar’s Summon Seraph ability, restoring HP and erecting a magicked barrier on allies who suffer damage. Way to go Seraph!