Maybe it’s just me, Eorzea, but I feel like we’ve reached another lull in activity. Adventurers are as geared as they’re going to get, they have all their food and potions, and Limsa is as packed as ever with people whose number one activity is just kind of hanging out. Sure, the Gold Saucer is holding another one of its Make It Rain events, but there’s just not much exciting going on!

Nowhere is this clearer to me than on the market board. About a month go, everyone was crafting and gathering up a storm. Materials were flying off the market as everyone prepared for new adventures, not to mention new housing items. But that time has passed! Here’s a quick breakdown, just from what I was paying attention to.

During the height of the crafting rush, High Quality Garlean Cheese sold for about 4,000 gil a piece. The price currently stands at around 1,800. Still respectable, but that’s a drop of 55%!

And it makes me sad!

Why cheese, though? Because it was a main ingredient in high-end foods like Caviar Canapes. At the very height of things, I managed to sell some Dragonfruit Blend for a ridiculous 30,000 gil a piece. Right now, they’re selling for around 8,000, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.

Price isn’t the only thing that changes after the market slows down. The rate at which items sell also plunges. At the height of 6.4, you could sell Earthbreak Aethersand, Field Mustard, Maghemite, and Softsilver Ore faster than you could gather it all. List them at their nearest prices and often they’d sell out instantly! Now, however, while Earthbreak Aethersand still gets you a decent amount of gil, sales have slowed to roughly a handful every couple of hours, if that. Meanwhile, gathered materials like Field Mustard have plunged completely, selling for only around 1,300 gil on Jenova, and only by the handfuls every several hours.

That’s just how the market goes! It was fun while it lasted, but now you have to once again do your research and find out what other things you can sell. But you still won’t make quite as much as you did when adventurers were going nuts a month or so ago.