Losing a plot to a placard staring contest or housing lottery is one thing, but imagine waking up one morning to find your entire estate just gone without any explanation. Can you comprehend the horror? Add the grim reality that, once you lose an estate, it’s never returned, and you have the perfect spooky story for the All Saints’ Wake season!

But is it just a folktale? Not according to several adventurers who shared their morbid experiences this week.

Apparently, after the release of Patch 6.5, more than a few residents of Eorzea found themselves without a home! The adventurer who sparked the chilling conversation (over on Reddit) says they visited their large estate in the Lavender Beds on Thursday, October 5, only to find it “completely demolished.”

“Wanted to raise awareness to this issue that I just personally experienced. I haven’t seen any other postings about this in the last two years so it might be a one off.”

While that situation is still pending, others chimed in to share their own stories, each one more and more terrifying.

“This happened to me as well…No auto-demo notice, and I had been inside the house even a few days before maintenance.”

“This happened to my small beachfront house plot back in August. I had been in the house relatively recently and never received any warnings about demolition…House went up for auction and I didn’t get lucky with the lottery.”

“I lost my house about two weeks ago now. I know…I had entered my house. …Now the house I’ve had for years is gone and by the time I noticed, the lottery for my plot was active. I entered it because there was only one other entry and I lost. Losing the lottery for my own plot felt awful.”

“I just went and checked my house and got the notification that auto demolition was canceled. I have been in my house a couple times in the past month but it looks like [it] got marked for demolition without notice.”

“Well that’s a new fear unlocked,” one adventurer responded.

Some are speculating that there may be a problem with how housing officials determine whether or not an estate is being used. Simply entering it might not be enough sometimes! So play with those summoning bells, furniture placements, and food items, just to be sure!

For now, the original estate loss complaint has been moved by housing officials to their “working as intended” section of the board, so it’s unlikely anyone is getting their house back.

Keep your eyes on your plots, Eorzea!