One of our community highlights this week is a complaint about rampant undercutting. How much is too much, and is it really a problem?

If you’ve seen my name out on the market board, you know I like to stay competitive, and that often means lowering prices! However, it’s also fair to say that cutting by too much can be both frustrating and nonsensical!

What’s a good balance? Some in the community feel that undercutting by 1 gil is more than enough, if you decide to lower prices, while others feel that lowering by so little is a waste of time, and isn’t really how the market should run.

I’ve seen some suggest market fees for changing prices, along with timing regulations to prevent prices from changing too often. Would this be a good idea? Personally, I’m okay with how things work right now, and wouldn’t exactly like being forced to wait or, worse, paying an extra fee!

Yes, dealing with the market can be annoying, but if a niche you’ve been selling in suddenly takes a tumble, there’s always another one you can supply! It just takes a little time and research to find one that works for you.

Until it also crumbles to pieces, then you start the process over again! That’s the market for you!