As previously reported in Issue 18 of The Babbler back in February, a Sargatanas Mist plot has been the subject of much controversy this year, as a neighboring Free Company has taken it upon themselves to obstruct its view. To date, Mist authorities or others who could potentially solve the issue have remained silent.

The affected plot is a medium estate, which now has a house built upon it, along with outdoor decorations. However, the stacks of Namazu and Heaven-On-High replicas make for both visual and auditory noise. If the Free Company’s activity had been an attempt to dissuade anyone from originally bidding on the medium plot, it failed, and yet they’ve continued to leave the obstruction (or blockade, as the medium estate’s owner calls it) up.

While the shock value of the situation has worn off and it’s likely not drawing gawkers like it used to, the conversation has now turned to just why housing authorities are allowing this to continue. Is anyone paying attention? Is their silence a tacit approval? The people want to know.

[News picked up originally on official FFXIV forum: Pickings Are Slim, But This Really Isn’t Okay, Is It?]