Hello adventurers! For everyone who equips themselves and heads out into the untamed wilds, there is a different dream to reach for. Some seek fame and glory, others treasure, and for some, it is to transform themselves into the best version of who they want to be. This week, we had the pleasure to sit down with one of the latter explorers who had recently mastered every discipline available!

Theya Tonitruum of Diabolos was gracious enough to share her memories, high and low, and even pass on words of wisdom for those who seek to follow in her footsteps. Perhaps not the first to do so, this by no means diminishes her accomplishment, though the speed and efficiency with which she tackled this feat is in of itself something to marvel at! Despite donning the mantle of “adventurer” just one year prior, she has already done what some with years of experience can struggle to pull off.

“I managed to get all [Disciple of Hand and Land jobs] to 90 before I seriously started working on [Discple of Magic and War jobs], mainly so that I could do my own repairs, meld and desynthesize gear I wouldn’t use,” she explained, regarding her process. “It took much longer to finish the latter because of how the leveling process goes for each. I essentially went 10 at a time across all jobs, as to keep the amount of gear in my armory chest to the minimum, which did end up being a bit more hectic but definitely worth it.”

As many who have gone through the process can attest, one of the tougher aspects is juggling all the equipment needed to be effective at each step. Theya’s approach kept her bags light and her resources topped off throughout. But how did she get through each block?


“I did [Hand & Land] through Ishgardian restoration, the Diadem, levequests, and [Gran Company] turn-ins. For [War & Magic,] it was through squadrons up to about [level] 50, Porta Decumana to 61, then … dungeons, and finally Bozja. Completing weekly Wonderous Tails, daily roulettes & beast tribe quests was also quite a significant part of the process as well.”

“Basically, it’s something I [ended] up doing because a friend motivated me to… She and I ended up finishing the process at the same time. I think it certainly could’ve been put together better but it was really just on a whim with a lot of learning along the way.”

No doubt, having companionship through such an arduous task can make life more bearable. Time flies when you have fun and friends are a key ingredient in making fun. Still, that is not the only tip Theya had for people.

“For those who only have 1 or 2 jobs maxed and are still doing [MSQ], definitely start sending out [Grand Company] Squadrons to level their stats so that dungeons can be run with them to avoid [party search] queues.” “Use that 3% food [experience] buff and join a free company to reap the benefits of additional boosts… do the hunting logs… and use augmented [Tomestone-purchased] gear alongside [dropped] gear to avoid spending a fortune on Market Board. …Always buy aetheryte tickets with Allied and Centurio Seals! It saves a lot of gil and effort for teleport fees.”


This may be a lot to take in, and yet each part has merit, especially for those looking to reach the summit without investing in the external. Self-sufficiency is difficult, but the rewards you end up with make it worthwhile! Speaking of rewards, Theya also wants to pass on how to deal with overextending by taking some meaningful downtime.

“In my spare time, I did my Splendorous Crafter and Gatherer’s tools and did a lot of skirmishing in the Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor. Switching it up is very important and if one gets bored of spamming a dungeon, do some fates, partake in gold saucer gates, try a treasure map, and maybe even do a bit of deep dungeon running.”

Having relaxing hobbies is important when the task at hand is as gargantuan as mastering all professions. Finding ones such as these, though, keeps the progress bar ticking even when you are taking a break.

You may think after taking on so much, Theya has done it all, but you would be wrong! With one goal down, several more have taken their place.

“I would like to get most of my fishing log down and try to get most of the gatherer’s achievements down. I think a solid plan down the road would be to try and get the Pteradon mount from reaching 500000 skyward points in my doh and dol jobs.” We wish you luck in your endeavors, Theya! I’m sure you will reach them in no time!