Hello, class! Autumn is almost over! I hope you all have your parkas ready!

This week, I have prepared a brief lesson for you, one that might save you some time when you are trying to head to the South Shroud! Let us begin at the Aetheryte Plaza!


Now I know what you must be thinking! “Ms. Y, obviously the Aetheryte is the best way to get around, everyone knows that already, duh!” Conventionally, you would be correct! But today’s lesson breaks typical conventions in favor of speeding things up! The quickest, most expensive way is by Aetheryte, but if you want to get there on a budget it can be a bit of a hike!

Blue Badger Gate

The Blue Badger Gate is fine, sure, but that is a LOT of walking and Giah Molkoh always wants to have these horrid conversations about hope the “forest will trample you and devour your bones,” or some such nonsense. She can be a little intense. Fortunately, we can avoid her and malms of walking! Instead of going to the Blue Badger Gate, skip Aetheryte travel entirely and instead go to a Residential District!

Residential Aethernet District

Any Ward is fine because you will not be there long! As soon as you arrive, simply turn around and talk to this kind fellow!

The Docks

He often helps people get to other wards, but he makes another stop many do not even realize, Mirror Planks! Ask him to get you OUT of the Residential Districts and he will drop you off there!

Leave Residential District

Tada! You are now much closer to the South Shroud!

Central Shroud Shortcut

Remember to use this trick for good, class! And just because I am teaching you this shortcut, it does not mean I will accept any in your academic performance. You better study hard!!

Class Dismissed!