Hello, class! Welcome back from break! Please hand your “My Winter VVacation” essays in before the lunch bell!

Have you ever wondered what another world might be like? Not one out in space with big space dragons or mean aliens or something weird like that. Though, maybe that could be neat. You know, if space was more than just empty nothing forever. That would be fun. But since space is empty nothing forever, going to another world in space probably is not a great time.

No, I am talking about imagining another dimension, a world much the same as our own but with slight differences! Like some sort of cinematic multiverse, but with less market oversaturation of the concept.

Two Lopps in Empyreum!

Top scholars found that traveling to other dimensions is not only possible, it is also very easy, if not convoluted in execution! Does this mean you can go somewhere and meet your alternate self? Nope, sorry. I tried! The above is just an artist’s rendition of what such an encounter might look like.

So what does it really look like? Well, pretty much it’s an identical world to your own, only it’s like you do not really exist there. For example, whenever I cross over, I become temporarily homeless! What a treat!

In addition to not having property, your retainers will also sadly be unable to help you. Same goes for your Free Company! Going abroad really isolates you in a way, but it also opens up all sorts of new opportunities to meet people!

So how do we do this travel? Well, to cross over to another Dimensional Core, you first have to enter a “logged out” state, much like when you meditate or something. Or… Well, I don’t know, I use it for meditation sometimes but you can think of it how you want.

Lopp Yasaburo menu

Once there, select your name and go into the options!

Visit Another Data Center menu

Be sure to select “Visit Another DATA CENTER” otherwise you will have to “log in” again and return to your home plane. They are very close together and it is an easy mistake to click “Visit Another World Server” so be careful!

Using the Data Center Travel System

You’ll get an excessive explanation, but then you can “Select World…”

Travel To Choices

…and choose where you want to go…

Beginning Travel

…and confirm it!


Then we wait! Usually, it does not take very long. If everything crashes on the way, do not freak out! It happens sometimes. Simply bring it back up and you will be where you were headed!

Returning Home

When you want to come back, it is the same process, almost. Click “Return to Home World” and the process will begin! It is in an awkward place, but this time, if you click “Visit Another World Server” by mistake, it is not a big deal. Just try again!


You will confirm your travel plans…

Back to Jenova

…then confirm them again! And after a bit, you will be home!

While this is not exactly the most brain-intensive process, the amount of steps involved makes having a guide handy if you have not done it before! Hope you took some good notes class! I will be off exploring other worlds where maybe I would have been a pirate or some sort of flower seller. Maybe we will see each other sometime!

Class Dismissed!