Happy Halloween, class! I didn’t see anyone dressed up as their FAVORITE teacher… Well, some as teachers, but not me, anyway. Maybe some of you are just waiting to surprise me after class, who knows! I decided to dress up as a dive bar owner!

Lopp waves from behind a counter

This week, I thought it would be fun to learn about Explorer Mode! After all, what is scarier than dungeons? So shouldn’t we learn to face our fears and immerse ourselves in them? Get to know them intimately? Hang out and take goofy photos and pretend we’re pirates? I say why not!

Explore Mode menu

First, you will have to open your Duty Finder! From there, click on the little gear thing in the top left heading window thingy! What a design choice!

Explore Mode menu Too

There are a lot of different modes to choose from, but for now, click on Explorer Mode! They all have descriptors if you want more details!

Check and Confirm

Once it’s selected, a yellow checkmark will appear at the side, letting you know you do indeed have it ready! Be sure to click confirm, as exiting the window will have the same effect as clicking cancel and you will be in a regular Duty Finder mode.


Finally, pick the one you want! Since this is a beginner lesson, what better place than Sastasha? Have you had enough of it? I certainly have! Not! Uh.

Free to Roam

And we’re here! You can do kind of whatever you would like now!

Pirate Bar

Hungry? No lines at the pirate bar, just confused servers!

Dance Dance

Feel free to dance on Denn the Orcatoothed’s stuff! He’s not here, he won’t mind!

Jumping Around

You can quickly move about the place with the Shortcut nodes scattered around! Get to your perfect Gpose spot and save yourself a hike!

Striking Dummy

Bored? You can test out your moves with a Striking Dummy! Just bring one up with the special commands list that will appear when you enter! Be sure to put it away before you leave, though!

Breaking Limits

LIMIT BREAK 3! As a Bard, I hardly ever get to do Limit Break 1, let alone 3!

And that’s it for our little field trip today! Try it out sometime and see what you can find! There are certain restrictions, though! For example, you must be at the level of the dungeon to enter in Explorer Mode, so keep that in mind! Class Dismissed!

Class Dimissed!