Hello class! Is one of you chewing gum? I hope you brought enough for everyone!

This week, I thought it would be fun to do something a little less serious! We will, therefore, be looking at ways to maximize your downtime with some pointless nonsense!

How many of you have spent extended time in your inn room? Not many, I am guessing. With little more than some items for updating to the latest fashions and dreaming about clothing ads, it is not exactly the most exciting place to be. And yet, even a place such as this can have fun things to do for the bored!

When we think of mini-games, we often consider the Golden Saucer or Triple Triad. These can be fun in a pinch, but do you ever wonder if there is anything more? Something a little less involved? Good news! There is!

Your inn room holds more than just a way to summon a hair and makeup elf! Each inn room contains something called the Toy Chest that contains a handful of fun little games to burn a few minutes away while you… I have no idea, your schedule is your business!

Lopp opens the Toy Box

But you might be wondering “Ms. Y, how can we use it? Mine doesn’t work!” I have some sour news if that is your situation! The Toy Chest is something locked up and there is not really a clear way to open it, exactly. That does not mean you cannot try, though! Actually, there seem to be a couple of ways to get this darn thing working!

Seasonal Event decorations -  a scarecrow in Ul’dah!

The first, and most popular theory, is through completing holiday events! Many suspect that the most surefire one is the Rising but with All Saint’s Wake coming up, who knows! It is worth a shot to enjoy the festivities, whenever they are! Does anyone know? I have not seen a single announcement for it… Maybe in February again? Kidding! I hope…

Lopp talks to Wymond in Ul’dah

The second way, albeit with a caveat, is to talk to this edgy-looking fellow who likes to hang out in Ul’Dah day and night (Steps of Nald - X: 9.8, Y: 8.7). His name is Wymond and he is not all that bad! I think I saw him spitting as I came up so that was a little gross, but he did seem a little embarrassed about it at least.

Wymond will send you on a long and arduous journey that will take you around the world solving mysteries with a kooky detective and his sassy sidekick, perhaps! Or who knows! We live in a vibrant and ever-changing world, you may have a totally different experience from everyone else! It could happen!

Pick Your Game menu

Ah! Much better! Look at all those fun activities!! My personal favorites are the Cheap Dungeon and the newly added Kupo Kupo Adventure! There is something for everyone, though, so try them all, why not? Just do not bring your Toy Chest to class!

“But Ms. Y! We can’t steal furniture from the inn! That’s illegal!” You are correct and you have a good heart, but actually, you do not need to be in an inn to play your new games. In fact, with a moderately skilled Carpenter and help from a Free Company Airship, you can make your own personal Toy Box and play from home!

Crafting menu

It is a bit of a tall order, but with the right attitude, and/or a small fortune of gil, you too can sit in your apartment and waste all the time you were supposed to be grading essays on Kupo Kupo Adventure! Hypothetically, of course!

I cannot wait to see your costumes next week, class! Remember, fake blood only!