Hey class! What’s crackalackin’?! I picked up some slang over the weekend! J to the K, home slicerinos! I already knew all the cool slangs cause I’m very much on the fleek.

It’s Lopp In Kugane Again!

Summer vacay (That’s cool person talk for “vacation”) is just around the corner! Is anyone taking any trips to far away lands? I know I would like to! Not that I don’t, I do, but it is pretty nice to getaway!

One of my favorite getaway spots is Kugane! I even have a pass to go there anytime I want, no questions asked! Getting back can be a bit steep on prices, though, and like everyone I hate it. Unlike everyone, though, I know how to get a five finger discount! That’s how us really awesome cool teachers say “free.”

…What, you thought I would share my secrets? Fine… Just don’t tell the government, I really don’t want to go back to prison. For the first time.

Some forewarning, this method of travel takes a bit of time! Not much, but you might find it easier to just port back like a normal person. For you penny-pinchers, though, this is going to be great!

When you are far from your home city, the cheapest way to get back is actually to log out! Scary, I know, but just do it for a sec, it won’t hurt, I promise!!

Once you’re logged out, open your options and opt for a World Transfer! This will keep you on your Data Center and spit you out on a random other world! Now log back in! Poof, you are in your home city! You can use the Aetheryte to get back to your world from here!

Character Select Options

Logging In

At The Aetheryte

That’s it, that’s the lesson. This has been a class on crime, don’t tell your parents or the principal. Okay see you next time!

Class Dismissed!