Hi class! I guess? It’s winter break, like class is over?? What are you doing coming in? I’m literally on vacation!

Lopp floats on water at Snowsteep Springs

Well! Fine, since you came… all the way to my private resort… Um… Okay yeah, this will do! Did you know there are certain restrictions on when you can use emotes? Well, there are!

Waterfloat emote options

For example, Water Float can only be used on the surface of the water! That’s why it’s highlighted in the above. The bubbles next to it are reserved for emotes you can use swimming underwater! Neat huh?

Okay, class dismissed, I have a massage to get to! See you next semester!!

Lopp waves while lying down on a massage board at Snowsteep Springs, a Roegadyn masseuse in the background wearing a santa hat