Healing a heart is not always done in the same way. For Meridia, time with family and encouragement from them was the remedy she needed. Lyne and Eira were less sentimental. Being forced out to give their friend some space anyway, the two decided to see what the town had to offer.

Unsurprisingly, the small fishing village had little to offer outside of several seafood stalls, net repair services, and a woodworker. Not exactly a premium outlet. Lyne’s whining got to be a little much and so did the heat from the mid-morning sun. Eira suggested a dip at the beach and the Miqo’te took her up on it almost instantaneously.

The two changed and headed over, just a quick stroll to the outskirts of town. They were not the only ones who had the idea to enjoy the water that day. As they approached, they heard splashing, cheers, taunts, and grunts, all emitting from two young men engaged in a ball game.

Lyne stood back, admiring the Au’ra and Viera as they duked it out in the shallows. Eira, though, threw herself in with a cannonball. The distraction caught the attention of the two players, one slipping up his spike, the other fumbling to get his arms into an optimal position to deflect the oncoming ball. It bounced away, spinning along the surface of the water. It would eventually float itself back to shore. The distraction removed any interest in finishing the game.

With Eira already in the thick of it, Lyne cautiously came down from her perch as well, wading in and greeting the two who had already gotten back up. They introduced themselves as Trevor, the Au’ra, and Thad, the Viera. They were aspiring Blitzballers, whatever that meant, who had come to Crescent Cove to practice away from the competition. It seemed they had to learn a thing or two about focus but… that could wait.

The team celebrates victory

The four got to talking and slowly the conversation began to split up until Lyne and Thad were energetically joking around as Trevor and Eira discussed fitness. It had been a long time since any of them had been in such like-minded company. Maybe it was the stress of their professions, or maybe it was something in the air, but it was hard to doubt that attractions were forming.

The group got so caught up in each other, none of them noticed the water beginning to froth. With a warning that had gone unnoticed, two Bigshells surfaced from beneath the sands, gurgling unintelligibly and approaching the unsuspecting group. Defenseless and taken by surprise, the crustaceans may have thought they had the upper hand.

The two hunters, however, let their instincts kick in. Perhaps more shocking, was the two Blitzballers also jumping into action, positioning themselves between the monsters and their new company.

Crab Attack

Without missing a beat, the four paired off, two taking on a Bigshell each. Despite the lack of weapons, the athletic prowess of the group was well beyond that of any ordinary fisherman the Bigshells may have hoped to snag. Dodging claws and lashing out at strategic points in tandem, it seemed the crabs had scuttled into a fight they were not ready for.

Still, each blow took its toll. The crack of fist on shell was loud and surely hurt, but the feeling was mutual. With Trevor tending to scuffed knuckles and Thad trying not to let the blood escaping his fists drip into the pool, the hunters stepped in taking their places. Not hoping to make the same mistakes, they slipped by defensive arms and delivered a series of kicks into the joints of the monsters, feet protected by sandals.

Finally, as if guided by hands unseen, the four each took position and flung themselves around the Bigshells, each grabbing an eye and pulling them down. As the monsters flailed helplessly, the group used their pincers to pierce the shells and put ends to the beasts. While perhaps unorthodox, a triumph is still a triumph.

Victory Again

For a time, they gathered, complimenting each other and reveling in the thrill of the fight. Though an unusual challenge, it seemed to bring the hunters and the athletes a little closer together, each having won the other’s respect.

Once things had settled down, they got some help from the villagers. There would be a seafood feast in Crescent Cove tonight.

Pixel art of the Bigshell