In Old Gridania, there once lived a skilled leatherworker named Bladen Kormey. Bladen, a Miqo’te who grew up in the Black Shroud, specialized in making high-quality coats that were in demand among the locals. However, this demand came with a cost - Bladen sold his coats at a substantial markup, which many customers found difficult to afford.

Unfortunately, he had also cornered the market, so if you wanted a coat, you had no choice but to go through Bladen.

However, one day, a new competitor unexpectedly entered the market and began selling coats that were similar in quality but offered at a significantly lower price. Bladen was incensed by this new addition to the market, and saw it as a threat to his livelihood. He began seeking ways to undermine his competitor’s business, resorting to underhanded tactics such as spreading gossip and disinformation about the competitor’s products.

However, these tactics were ultimately ineffective. The competitor was able to cover the costs of selling their products at a lower price, and their sales continued to thrive, despite anything Bladen said or did. In his blind rage, Bladen continued to attack the competitor, but he failed to realize that he was only hurting his own business. He did not adapt to the shifting landscape of the market, and instead focused all of his efforts on bringing his competition down.

As a result, unable to sell his coats at the price he wanted, and finding his quality declining in his fury, he was eventually forced to close his shop and leave his leatherworking business forever.

Bladen’s story is a grim reminder that we should not allow envy and anger to drive our actions, especially in pursuit of financial gain. The best way to succeed is to focus on improving ourselves and adapting to shifting circumstances.