In the heart of Thanalan, there is a legend of a dark and dreary cave, a hidden home to thousands of rats that infest its ancient interior. Only the bravest of adventurers dare to enter The Cave Of 1,000 Rodents, as it has come to be known, though it is said to be filled with ancient treasures and lost artifacts.

But this, or so the tales say, is no ordinary cave filled with rats. Unbeknownst to those daring enough to descend, a malevolent force lies deep within its shadows. A voidsent energy lingers.

Gooble Snapflash was a jolly adventurer with a reputation for bravery and courage. But even he could not have prepared for the horrors that lay in store for him in The Cave of 1,000 Rodents. Armed with his trusty gladiator’s sword and his daring spirit, he happily set off to explore the depths of the cave, hoping to uncover the secrets within, but he would not leave that day.

With each step he took inside, he could feel an ominous presence growing stronger. He pressed on, eager to prove his courage and bravery to all who knew him. As he descended deeper and deeper into the cave, he noticed that the infamous rodents had begun to gather around him, their red eyes glimmering in the darkness, lit only by his single torch. But he paid them no mind, for he was not afraid.

It wasn’t until he had gone too deep and found himself lost in the winding tunnels of the cave that he began to realize that something was awry. The rodents had surrounded him, their chitters and squeals growing louder and louder. They followed him. They jumped and bounced off the cave walls. And as he attempted to make his way back to the surface, nearly tripping with every step, something else began to happen.

As Gooble wandered further, he began to feel strange. His vision blurred, and his senses became warped. Suddenly, he realized with horror that he was transforming. Slowly at first, but then it became unmistakeable. He was turning into a rodent.

But he wasn’t alone. As he looked around, he saw the hundreds of other rats scurrying about the cave, and that’s when he realized, in his final coherent thought, that all of them were former adventurers like himself. They had been lost in the cave and transformed into rodents by its powerful void energy. As his sword clanged onto the rocky cave floor, he knew his life had changed forever.

Before you venture into any caves of Thanalan, remember the story of Gooble Snapflash, a warning to all adventurers to never take risks lightly, and always be prepared for what may seem impossible.