Nervous Brook was a simple Hellsguard Roegadyn with a passion for growing oranges. His farm, located on the outskirts of La Noscea, was known for producing the sweetest and juiciest oranges available at the markets in Aleport, where he’d often sell after the harvest. Brook spent each day tending to his trees, ensuring that they had enough water, sunlight, and fertilizer to produce the highest-quality oranges he could.

But Nervous Brook eventually ran into trouble. A single agitated dodo had taken up residence in the nearby forest, and she had become increasingly aggressive, charging at anyone who came near her territory. The dodo had already attacked several people, including Brook’s farmhands, and it seemed only a matter of time before someone was seriously hurt.

To make matters worse, the dodo, which locals named Billie, had become attached to the taste of the oranges on Nervous Brook’s farm. Billie munched on them whenever she got the chance. This was devastating for Brook, who depended on the sale of his oranges to make a living. If the dodo continued to destroy his trees, he would soon be out of business.

Determined to protect his farm and his livelihood, Nervous Brook tried several different tactics to scare off Billie the Agitated Dodo. He tried setting up loud speakers to blast ominous club music near the farm, and even attempted to trap Billie in a makeshift cage. But the dodo was having none of it, continuing to attack his farm and chew on his oranges.

As time went on and his profits continued to decline, Nervous Brook eventually ran out of ideas. No matter what he tried, Billie seemed determined to drive him out of business. Eventually, he was forced to sell his farm and all of his belongings and move to another town, leaving behind his oranges and the dodo for good.

Nervous Brook’s fate is a cautionary tale for all farmers in La Noscea and beyond. It’s a reminder that sometimes, even the most determined person can be overpowered by forces beyond their control. And while the fate of Billie, the agitated dodo, is unknown, it’s likely that she continued to terrorize the lands of La Noscea, searching for her next meal of sweet, juicy oranges.