In the heart of Central Thanalan, a couple was travelling by chocobo carriage. Ivront and Efrene, an Elezen couple who had recently moved to a small home in The Goblet, had heard rumors in Ul’dah about a crazed Lalafell with a hook for a hand. Reports said he recently escaped the custody of the Immortal Flames, but the two decided to head out, anyway.

A rare storm raged on, and as the carriage rattled along the rutted road and the chocobo began to slow down, Ivront and Efrene decided to pull over near a set of train tracks, and wait to see if the rain would stop. Then Efrene asked, “Did you hear something?”

Ivront shook his head. “I don’t hear anything,” he said. “Ivront, you heard what they said in town,” Efrene replied, “There’s a murderer on the loose! I want to go home.”

Ivront laughed. “Do you really think he’d come all the out into Thanalan during a storm? Besides, he couldn’t get in here if he tried.” Efrene, though, was unsettled. She could swear she heard the sound of scratching near her side of the carriage. “I think someone’s trying to get in!”

Ivront chuckled again, then sighed. “Okay, okay.” He grabbed the chocobo reigns, and the chocobo jolted forward. The carriage began to move, and the two headed back to The Goblet.

When they arrived home, Ivront jumped out of the carriage and walked over to the passenger side to help Efrene down. Hanging from its wooden side was a hook.