Sometimes it’s nice to escape the cold of Ishgard and The Babbler offices and take a trip to a place like Costa del Sol, where it feels like the weather is almost always perfect.

The docks there are a particularly engaging site, though not particularly active all the time, as most use the nearby aetheryte. The ferry skipper will take you to Limsa Lominsa for a paltry 40 gil, or even aboard the Rhotano Privateer, which can always been seen not too far from shore (though I’m not sure why anyone would feel the need to board that).

Opylona, a Roegadyn who manages food services nearby (and who feels honored to be the personal chef of one Gegeruju), is always happy to welcome new arrivals.

Watching the wind blow through ship sails as schools of fish swim below in the clear blue waters of Costa del Sol is enough to relax even the most exasperated of questing adventurers.