In the very south of the Dravanian Hinterlands you’ll find the Path of Knowing, a long bridge over the waters of the Thaliak River and the mouth of the Tipped Ewer. I managed to take this photo from its western side, albeit at a distance due to the strange creatures that have made it their home.

The bridge, of course, once served as a pathway to the Great Gubal Library, by way of The Ruling Quarter. The Sharlayan Colony that once existed there, however, is now in ruins, abandoned 15 years ago after the threat of Garlean invasion, and the bridge is now a fairly dangerous one to cross.

The Great Gubal Library itself is known as “the grandest repository of knowledge in all of Eorzea,” with countless tomes stacked upon countless shelves. Who knows what secret knowledge may lie within.

But as with anything, to find out you’ll have to risk the Path of Knowing. And you never know where that might take you.