“The nest of a honeybee, comprised of several hundred hexagonal chambers made of a waxy substance secreted by the vilekin.” - Level 5 Botanist Nodes - Treespeak, North Shroud

Bright Blessings, whispering wind! Won’t you lay still a moment?

We all need a hand sometimes, and sometimes we can turn to nature for that little bit of aid. This week, we’ll look at our curious little friends, the bees! More importantly, the things they create and so generously allow us to use, such as the Beehive Chip.

Sometimes referred to as a Honeycomb, Beehive Chips are the product of, you guessed it, bees! They are dedicated workers, sometimes traveling as far as 50 miles just to create a single ponze of honey. Worry not, though, as a hive’s numbers make this more trivial a challenge than you might think.


While a Beehive chip can be made into honey, it actually has a few uses! They can be ingested raw as the walls are actually made of wax. Wax may have you thinking about candles and yes, Beehive Chips can be modeled into such things, providing a clean burn! In fact, the antiseptic properties it contains make it a delightfully aromatic addition to soaps.

Beehive Chips are important to more than those committing to witchcraft. In ancient times, beehives could be found in temples with honey serving as an offering. Bees were thought of as the souls of priestesses, working on in the next life in service of their patron deities. Even mathematicians were captivated by the unique hexagonal shapes.

More Bees!

Acting as something of a home to bees, they actually do not mind some being taken! A careful botanist can approach and help themselves to some. However, bees are vital to life as we know it so be sure to be sparing and help out or black and yellow friends when you can!