“An odorous, ratty thing found in the backs of drawers. Often so old the owner forgets they exist.” - Level 5 Botanist Nodes - Top Dresser Drawer, Any Home

Bright Blessings, wanderer! I’m glad to see you have arisen!

Magics are terrible, unknowable forces and stem from a plethora of peculiar places. Sometimes they can manifest right under your own nose, or in this case, feet!

Many of the superstitious may claim to have a lucky article of apparel they accessorize with whene’er the need for a little luck looms in their future. Yet few know that the most potent potential peeks forth from footwear. A witch worth her worts will stress the importance of an Old Sock to anyone seeking to traverse tranquilly twixt moments of uncertainty.


One may be forgiven for foolishly abandoning their old socks, tossing them to the trash when mold manifests or bare patches pull particles aside to form holes. This is a mistake! Much like a plant absorbs sunlight as energy, so too does a sock soak surplus magic from the wearer.

Every step, every experience combines in the feet, pouring profusely into padded fabrics. This energy is kept within, resulting in a unique and personal token of the user. As a plus, they go great for seasoning a spring soup!

Hanging laundry

Be sure to care for your Old Socks and in turn, they will care for you!