P'pol's Guide To Venues!
Another number goes up on the collective counter! What does that mean? Not a ton! But just as the arrival of Spring can symbolize new life, the coming of a new year is a marker to usher in rebirth!...
Another number goes up on the collective counter! What does that mean? Not a ton! But just as the arrival of Spring can symbolize new life, the coming of a new year is a marker to usher in rebirth!...
Author’s Note: This article is not going to pretend to be anything akin to “in-character,” as the subject matter is not suited to that particular writing style. This is a controversial topic and will likely offend some....
We have all heard the whispers. The Grand Companies are secretly led by Ixal people genetically engineered by the Empire. Aether Crystal travel is a way for those in power to mind control you....
It starts with a few sofas. You place them down, and make sure they’re aligned. Is the color right? you ask yourself. Should they go here? But why not a bar counter and some stools?...
The holiday season is only a few winks away. Stores are stocking shelves, cinnamon is everywhere, and Mariah Carey has taken up residence in the ears of countless retail workers day in and day out....
What makes a community? The word itself can convey an idea, but it’s not exactly easy to define it succinctly as a community takes on many forms. On a small scale, a group of people getting together on weekends to take on small quests can fit the bill, while at a macro level, all of us can be considered one, regardless of the many differences we have....
A whole new data center has opened up, Eorzea, and with it come four new worlds! Are you planning to move over to Dynamis? Maybe start fresh and try one more time to get that plot of your dreams?...
If you’re an adventurer, you’ve no doubt crossed paths with the mysterious Haukke Manor, buried deep within the Sorrel Haven of the Central Shroud. Its name, Haukke, comes from ancient Padjali, meaning “to speak without words....
Empyreum is abuzz tonight with an ethereal blue glow, but it’s not ghosts - not yet, anyway! The housing district currently finds itself covered in aetherometers, selectively placed all around Ishgard by the EMET-SELCH paranormal investigations team....
Did you know? On a dark cold night, under full moonlight, some say you can spot ghosts lurking about in the city-states, or even at some common vacation spots. No, really!...