Hey Eorzea! It’s been a long week already, and I forgot to update the archive yesterday. Oops!

But that’s okay, because I’ve been busy at work on some fun new features here that might actually get updated by our next issue. We’ll just have to see! Anyway, this week:

  • Updated the front page, main archive, & calendar

  • …that’s about it!

What? I told you it’s been a long week…

Barding Woes

We had a bit of a situation during our show at the Chobo Revue last week. Despite what some people might tell you, being a bard is more than just standing there with your instrument and playing. Especially with a larger band like an octet, you have to coordinate positions, make sure everyone’s on the right instrument and synced up, make sure everyone’s on the right song when they need to be. There’s a ton that goes into it, and that’s just when things go right!

Even before the show begins, every week we plan out a theme for the next show, and then get to work on arrangements. And that’s while also working on getting weekly issues of The Babbler out! When does it end!

But sometimes, even despite all that preparation and coordination, things can go wrong, like they did last Wednesday. As we took the stage and began playing our first song of the night, I noticed something was way off.

None of my instruments worked!

After doing some troubleshooting of my own, in the end I had to switch places with Lopp and host trivia instead. But as Lopp led the band, suddenly Tibba’s instruments stopped working, too! Lopp then had to coordinate how to get the best sound out of the remaining songs while I quizzed people on planets and stuff! It was kind of a nightmare, but we got through it and learned a little more about managing concert disasters. I also hired a paranormal investigator to finally deal with our Phantom problem, but you can read more about that in Issue 42.

Anyway, that’s it for this week! Don’t forget to read The Babbler!