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Lopp sits at a table with Babbit at The Bismarck

Mastery Mayhem: The Woes of Education On the Go

I like to eat out. Not a lot, usually I settle for the ever-dwindling supplies in my pantry, but when I do find myself in a position to dine on someone else’s cooking, it is a treat I do not take for granted....

Published In Issue 25 On May 8, 2023 ·  10 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A ship approaching a large island port

Dawntrail: An Exclusive First Look

Heyo!! Lopp here and I have a big surprise for you all! If you read the title and clicked in, you probably can already guess, but this is what I have been gone for the past week!...

Published In Issue 53 On November 20, 2023 ·  4 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Lopp lying on a beach in the rain next to a campfire

Enrich Your Experience: A Rant

Note: This rant may stray from in-character points of view. Living in Eorzea is a strange feeling. Like many of you, I feel like this life of adventuring should be something of an escape, a way to melt away the drudgeries of everyday life....

Published In Issue 51 On November 6, 2023 ·  10 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A many-headed dragon monster

Criss Cross Travelsauce

For those unfamiliar, Hydras are legendary beasts (some might say monsters) known for a unique trait that makes them nigh impossible to slay for a typical warrior. With a long, exposed neck, one would assume that this would be its weakest point, something to strike with fury before the battle grows out of hand....

Published In Issue 41 On August 28, 2023 ·  12 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
An adventuring party celebrates victory

An Unlikely Ultimate Primal Victory!

Last Thursday, an adventurer reached out to The Babbler to share their story of something remarkable on Primal: An unexpected first-pull clear of The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate), with a group made entirely on Party Finder!...

Published In Issue 43 On September 11, 2023 ·  4 min ·  Babbit Alaisa
A paladin standing with a sword and shield in front of flames and an eclipsed sun

Kill 'Em With Kindness: The Brutality Of Being Nice

Have you ever been in a supermarket to get just one thing, but it feels as though the universe deigned to trap you there by sending all the worst people out at once?...

Published In Issue 45 On September 25, 2023 ·  10 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A Miqo'te slaps a guard at the Adders' Nest

Oh My GM!

Even though I am not a big fan, occasionally I can get really into a Western. Something about the setting just does something for me. The proto-modern fashions, the rickety old buildings, dirt roads, untamed wilderness… there is beauty in it....

Published In Issue 35 On July 17, 2023 ·  11 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Lopp pondering things in front of a dresser

Identity Indemnity

Beaches come in a variety of flavors. While many might think of something sandy or tropical, beaches can also be rocky or even frozen. Still, they all share something in common: They’re the strips of land meeting the sea, ocean, and even lakes, in some cases....

Published In Issue 33 On July 3, 2023 ·  7 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Crafters at the Weavers' Guild

Death by a Thousand Cuts: What to do when Enough is Enough

People say diamonds are forever, but how long do they really last? Many believe them to be incredibly strong, indestructible gems, earning them the “forever” reputation. However, they can actually break quite easily....

Published In Issue 21 On April 10, 2023 ·  11 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Spiderman Points At Spiderman

The Discontent With Content

Picture it: You wake up one day and head down to your favorite amusement park only to discover that, for some reason, no one else has decided to attend today’s opening....

Published In Issue 20 On March 27, 2023 ·  7 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo

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