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A haze in the Black Shroud

The Mystery Of Aether's Way Part V: The Tent

As official investigations into the fate of Aether’s Way came to a close, independent researchers took up the mantle, arguing that authorities were hiding the full story. At least one paranormal investigator, Quirky Rabbit, believes she has a better understanding than most....

Published In Issue 35 On July 17, 2023 ·  3 min ·  U'bilee Odh
Western Black Shroud

The Mystery Of Aether's Way Part IV: Into The West?

There are many possibilities regarding the ultimate fate of Aether’s Way, though several experts believe they may have simply journeyed too far into the Shroud, and ended up somewhere they should not have been....

Published In Issue 34 On July 10, 2023 ·  3 min ·  U'bilee Odh
Dark trees in the Black Shroud

The Mystery Of Aether's Way Part III: The Investigation Begins

According to estimates, the Black Shroud investigation did not begin until a few months after the community of Aether’s Way vanished. A friend had attempted to contact one of its members, and when met with no reply, she traveled to the Twelveswood herself....

Published In Issue 33 On July 3, 2023 ·  2 min ·  U'bilee Odh
U'bilee stands with her back to the camera, looking into the forest

The Mystery Of Aether's Way Part II: Remembering The Past

While most outsiders, and even former members, had good things to say about the Aether’s Way community, one outspoken critic saw things differently. Pashog Qashog, himself a former member, shared his experiences in his memoir, Carried Away: My Time With The Aether’s Way Cult, published several years ago....

Published In Issue 32 On June 26, 2023 ·  3 min ·  U'bilee Odh
U'bilee staring into the Black Shroud

The Mystery Of Aether's Way Part I: An Introduction

Few stories of Eorzea are as mysterious - and obscure - as the disappearance of the group known as Aether’s Way. Established shortly after the Battle of Carteneau, and guided by their enigmatic leader known only as G’rhuhnu, the small community would become infamous both for their secluded nature, and ill-fated attempt to build a colony in Eastern La Noscea....

Published In Issue 31 On June 19, 2023 ·  5 min ·  U'bilee Odh

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