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I'm Leaving (Not Really)

Eorzea, how many times have you seen this happen: A member of your community loudly proclaims that they’ve had enough and they’re leaving everything behind forever, only to either not leave at all or show up again two months later?...

Published In Issue 61 On January 22, 2024 ·  3 min ·  Babbit Alaisa
Babbit looks confused while wearing reindeer antlers and a shiny nose

Managing An Inventory Crisis

Eorzea, I have a hoarding problem! Here’s a look at my inventory over the weekend. It’s a mess. You may even be wondering why I have almost 2,000 coconuts. Inventory can be a tough thing to manage here in Eorzea....

Published In Issue 55 On December 4, 2023 ·  3 min ·  Babbit Alaisa
Babbit considers leaving a free company in Empyreum

How To Leave A Free Company

It’s the middle of the night. You’re alone, and there are no signs of anyone else from your Free Company around. This is it, this is your moment - it’s time to leave!...

Published In Issue 25 On May 8, 2023 ·  6 min ·  Babbit Alaisa

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