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How To: Cutting Corners in the Black Shroud

Hello, class! Autumn is almost over! I hope you all have your parkas ready! This week, I have prepared a brief lesson for you, one that might save you some time when you are trying to head to the South Shroud!...

Published In Issue 52 On November 13, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Bladen Kormey looks over some leather

Bladen Kormey's Exclusive Coat Sales

In Old Gridania, there once lived a skilled leatherworker named Bladen Kormey. Bladen, a Miqo’te who grew up in the Black Shroud, specialized in making high-quality coats that were in demand among the locals....

Published In Issue 45 On September 25, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
Dandie reads a book

Dandie Torrow: Beat Reporter for the Stars

Dandie Torrow was always a curious Miqo’te, with a moderate talent for storytelling and an intense desire to shine. Born and raised in the city-state of Gridania, she found herself drawn to the world of journalism, and saw it as the perfect way to combine her love of writing with her drive for success....

Published In Issue 43 On September 11, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
The Adders' Nest, with an adventurer lying on the floor

The Adders' Nest

Situated in New Gridania, the Adders’ Nest as we know it today is not as it once was, the former structure having been destroyed in the Calamity several years ago....

Published In Issue 17 On February 13, 2023 ·  1 min ·  U'bilee Odh

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