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A Lalafell hides behind some bushes in Thanalan

Tiny Hook: A Thanalan Folktale

In the heart of Central Thanalan, a couple was travelling by chocobo carriage. Ivront and Efrene, an Elezen couple who had recently moved to a small home in The Goblet, had heard rumors in Ul’dah about a crazed Lalafell with a hook for a hand....

Published In Issue 48 On October 16, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
Gooble Snapflash finds himself lost in a cave

Gooble Snapflash and the Cave of 1,000 Rodents

In the heart of Thanalan, there is a legend of a dark and dreary cave, a hidden home to thousands of rats that infest its ancient interior. Only the bravest of adventurers dare to enter The Cave Of 1,000 Rodents, as it has come to be known, though it is said to be filled with ancient treasures and lost artifacts....

Published In Issue 46 On October 2, 2023 ·  3 min ·  Babbler Staff
Doesnebb Two Fog looks surprised

Doesnebb Two Fog: The One That Got Away

Doesnebb had a dream: To own his very own home. But with limited funds and no available plots for sale in the city-states, he set his sights on a unique piece of land in Thanalan - a small patch of earth bordered by a massive boulder, at the bottom of a hill....

Published In Issue 44 On September 18, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
Lily Basket looks over her lime-aid

Strange but True: Lily Basket's 'Lemonade' Stand

A Viera by the name of Lily Basket was trying to establish her own lemonade stand in Thanalan, the desert region known for its hot climate and scorching sands. Despite the sweltering heat, Lily wanted to share her delicious, homemade lemonade with everyone passing by....

Published In Issue 39 On August 14, 2023 ·  2 min ·  Babbler Staff
Brigit standing outside the Coffer and Coffin

The Venue Event that Never Was: A Thanalan Conspiracy?

The Coffer & Coffin. One of the oldest and most popular venues in Central Thanalan. It hosts a number of returning patrons, who you’ll likely find, at any given hour of the day, drinking and chatting quietly within....

Published In Issue 3 On August 1, 2022 ·  2 min ·  Brigit A.

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