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An empty Mih Ketto's Amphitheatre

Not All That Glitters Is Gold

The holiday season is only a few winks away. Stores are stocking shelves, cinnamon is everywhere, and Mariah Carey has taken up residence in the ears of countless retail workers day in and day out....

Published In Issue 11 On November 21, 2022 ·  4 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
A group of clubbers cheer with glowsticks

Charity Events: Avariciously Altruistic?

It’s Friday night. You’ve made plans to go out with friends, but haven’t yet decided on what to do. Checking the community boards, you find yourself sifting through the usual suspects....

Published In Issue 8 On October 10, 2022 ·  13 min ·  Lopp Yasaburo
Brigit standing outside the Coffer and Coffin

The Venue Event that Never Was: A Thanalan Conspiracy?

The Coffer & Coffin. One of the oldest and most popular venues in Central Thanalan. It hosts a number of returning patrons, who you’ll likely find, at any given hour of the day, drinking and chatting quietly within....

Published In Issue 3 On August 1, 2022 ·  2 min ·  Brigit A.

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